
Chienworks wrote on 10/16/2003, 8:09 AM
You can use the pinch/punch effect to magnify, sort of. I just created a quick project with identical media on both tracks 1 and 2, then applied pinch/punch to the upper track as well as cookie cutter to give it a sharp outline. It looks more like a glass ball than a magnifying glass though. I suppose you could add track motion to magnify the track 1 clip and keyframe it to move with the cookie cutter. Give it a try and play.

Here's my initial project file (requires Vegas 4.0d)

Use any video clip or picture you wish when it asks you to locate missing media.

Here's a version that also uses track motion:
TorS wrote on 10/16/2003, 8:41 AM
There's a magnifying glass in the fontset Webdings. Use it in your text generator together with the pan/crop and track motion effects suggested. I'm sure there are dozens of magnifying glasses in various fonts that are floating free around the net.
Jason_Abbott wrote on 10/16/2003, 10:02 AM
Here's a magnifying glass effect from Dithermaster using height mapping and only generated media. It's very cool, IMO:
Jsnkc wrote on 10/16/2003, 10:13 AM
I saw a .veg file for this somewhere on the Sundance site a while ago, do a little search there and I'm sure you can find it.

Yup, that's the one, look at the post above!