Subject:New SoFo user "find function" question
Posted by: kbouchard
Date:10/13/2003 3:48:40 PM
Well, I'm rather new to SF, used CoolEdit with a plugin called "Click Fix" to do my work. Got CE mainly because of recommendations and yes, it IS good for the money but I've found that SF is just so much easier to use and more efficient. (maybe that's why it costs so much more,huh?) My question is about the "find" function. Yes, NR2 is great, it fixes lots and lots of click/pops but for the ones it misses, there's the "find" function, right? I'm just a bit confused about how you go about setting the slope/threshold slider when you're looking for "glitches". It's calibrated in dB's and I'd think it'd be calibrated in microseconds or something. (you know, the leading edge of a glitch has a certain risetime and THAT'S measured in microseconds not db's) The manual only talks about a glitch having a certain SLOPE and you set the slider accordingly. This is where I'm confused, how does glitch slope relate to dB's? Is there something on-line I can read? Has this been covered before? If so, where? thanks, Ken |