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Subject:Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Posted by: davidinlv
Date:10/11/2003 12:41:22 PM

The box in which my SF 6.0 software came says the application includes "A Free Sound Effects Library" containing "over 1,000 professional-quality sound clips."

But I can't find these sound clips anywhere within the application after installing it.

Can anyone tell me if I do have these clips and, if so, how to locate them?

Note: If the sound clips are supposed to be included on a separate disc, rather than on the SF application disc itself, nothing but the application disc and the product serial number were in the box.

Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: [r]Evolution
Date:10/11/2003 2:48:32 PM

I upgraded to SF 7.0 via download and did not get any Sound FX either. I had SF 6.0 since it came out. - No Sound FX then either - but I did notice where it says I'm entitled to them. What gives?


Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/11/2003 3:04:01 PM

"The box in which my SF 6.0 software came says the application includes "A Free Sound Effects Library" containing "over 1,000 professional-quality sound clips."

But I can't find these sound clips anywhere within the application after installing it."

Check the contents of your box again. It's a separate CD.


Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: davidinlv
Date:10/11/2003 9:23:51 PM

Well, I did check the OUTSIDE of the box, and I see that a separate sound effects CD is pictured in the back lower-left corner.

Not much to check inside, though, as all that came out of the box was a piece of brown cardboard, the SF application disc, and the card containing the serial number.

Trust me, that's all that was in the shrink-wrapped box.

Looks like I'll be calling Customer Service on Monday.

Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: msterlin
Date:10/12/2003 12:04:38 PM

I am using SF Stuio 6.0e and they are on the application CD in a directory named "1,001 Sound Clips". There is no install program, just xcopy the directory to your hard drive.

Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/12/2003 1:12:26 PM

Are you sure you're talking about the 6.0 version of Sound Forge?
My box doesn't have a separate CD pictured for the sound effects. It also contains more inside than what you've listed.
Was this bought directly from SoFo?


Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: davidinlv
Date:10/12/2003 10:53:13 PM

Yes, I have SF Studio 6.0e.

I placed my order through Amazon, which in fact had me buying it through J&R Computer World in New York, a company I've always had good dealings with. It came in a shrink-wrapped retail box, and contained only the application disc and serial number, as I mentioned previously.

Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/12/2003 11:01:32 PM

You hadn't previously mentioned that you were using the STUDIO version of Sound Forge. I have the full version...therein lies the differences.
I'm sorry that I can't help you more than to agree that you should contact customer service.


Subject:RE: Where Is Free Sound Effects Library
Reply by: davidinlv
Date:10/12/2003 11:03:37 PM

You are absolutely right, and I thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

It is my fault for not browsing the disc before asking my question.

Mucho gracias!!

BTW, I decided to use SF in tandem with another product, the new MusicMatch 8.1 CD player/burner, to accomplish my imemdiate goal, which is as follows: I am producing sort of a "name that tune" contest in my community, so I'm using SF to clip out the music segments I need and then I use the other product to set up the CDs I'm burning, due to that product's ease of dragging titles around the screen and rearranging them as I want.

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