
Grazie wrote on 10/6/2003, 2:05 AM
Good question Nat . . .

TomG wrote on 10/6/2003, 8:08 AM
I hope he has been re-born as SonyDennis!!!!!

Spot|DSE wrote on 10/6/2003, 12:58 PM
He was reborn as Dithermaster...
johnmeyer wrote on 10/6/2003, 1:28 PM
You can do a username search (using partial matches) for "sonic" and for "sony". Names that turn up under "sonic" include:


A search for Sony turns up


This name (SonyEPM) has been changed (from SonicEPM) even on old posts. This is clearly the person who now has main responsibility for this forum.

The last time SonicDennis posted was September 3, and his next to last post was way back on August 6. Based on the pattern of posts, I'd say that he either got reassigned, left the company, got sick, etc. somewhere around the end of July.

Just speculation on my part, of course.
SonyEPM wrote on 10/6/2003, 2:39 PM
SonicDennis/Dithermaster is alive and well, coding like mad on a top secret project I can't talk about. You may now speculate wildly.
BillyBoy wrote on 10/6/2003, 2:52 PM
Grazie wrote on 10/6/2003, 2:59 PM
Oh dear me . . I think we just got a Peek-a-boo under SONY's skirts! And I think I'm gonna . . . . . have too wait . . oooh I can't I can't . . . . . bet it won't work on WinME???

DGrob wrote on 10/6/2003, 3:19 PM
Just what is a Dither? Or does one dither? What would I be doing if I were dithering? Does it make any ditherance? DGrob
Chienworks wrote on 10/6/2003, 3:23 PM

n : an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft" [syn: pother, fuss, tizzy, flap] v 1: act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain 2: make a fuss; be agitated [syn: flap, pother] 3: shake, as from cold or fear [syn: shiver, shudder]

intr.v. dith·ered, dith·er·ing, dith·ers

To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing.

[Alteration of didder, from Middle English didderen, to tremble.]


And recall that Dagwood's boss is named "Mr. Dithers." Hmmm. This doesn't sound promising ;)
busterkeaton wrote on 10/6/2003, 3:40 PM

I think in video dither refers to when you have finely lines right next to each other. If the lines are too fine or your monitor is not so good, the lines will vibrate or "dither."

So it's a term that derives in meaning from the third definition Chienworks posted to shake or shudder.

I also just found this defintion on the web regarding computer imaging.

To mix existing colors together, by alternating their pixels, creating the illusion of a third color that is otherwise unavailable.
Nat wrote on 10/6/2003, 3:42 PM
Glad to see the good ol' team is still complete and working :)
SonyDennis wrote on 10/6/2003, 4:17 PM
Here I am. Sorry about not being as active in the forums as I have been in the past. They've been keeping me busier than usual here <g>.

I'm very happy with how things are going with Sony, Vegas, and the forums. In addition to my workload, I've noticed that the number of expert and skilled users has reached a critical mass to where good answers appear to questions sooner than I'd notice the question, much less post an answer. This is great news that I'm very happy to see, and it's due not just to the success of Vegas but to the rising expertise of it's users. You all belong to a fine community that I'm proud to be part of.

If SonyEPM sees a thread that I can help out with, he let's me know, but that too has been happening less often.

Thanks for thinking of me. <g>


"Dither" = "In an excited or confused state". In computer graphics, a technique to simulate more colors than you can actually display. Originally bequeathed to me after finishing a particularly good graphics hack, to which my boss said "Dennis, you are the dither master!". I found out later it also applies to audio bit depth reduction and increasing the accuracy of mechanical computers by adding vibration.
Galeng wrote on 10/6/2003, 4:34 PM
No, no. It was a dance done back in the 20's. The "ditherbug".
busterkeaton wrote on 10/7/2003, 10:40 AM
I found out later it also applies to audio bit depth reduction

Spot has small section on audio dithering in his book, Vegas 4 Editing Workshop
PixelStuff wrote on 10/7/2003, 10:52 AM
So, I wonder if the top secret project has to do with Dithering? Maybe its some new compositing features or painting features for Vegas 5.

RafalK wrote on 10/7/2003, 11:26 AM
Without spilling any beans about this top secret project, can you at least tell us whether is deals with Vegas and whether it will be something that will preserve Vegas as software?
An of course any indirect hints as to the nature of good things to come would be welcomed.
DGrob wrote on 10/7/2003, 12:36 PM
And we all swear we won't tell anybody else! DGrob
defucius wrote on 10/7/2003, 12:44 PM
And tell us using the smallest font.
filmy wrote on 10/7/2003, 1:11 PM
And tell us all if it will be for Longhorn only so we can all pre-order new OS's now.

aboukirev wrote on 10/7/2003, 5:23 PM
It will be successor to Screenblast and will be called Harddriveblast :)

I'm in a dither...

JakeHannam wrote on 10/7/2003, 7:46 PM
Cross our hearts ...
kentwolf wrote on 10/7/2003, 11:25 PM
>>...And tell us using the smallest font.

That's pretty funny!
Grazie wrote on 10/8/2003, 1:45 AM
>>...And tell us using the smallest font.

. . .oh noooooo another visit to the optician! SOnyDennis, can I get a rebate for my next spectacles, courtesy of Sony? Mind you, they'll probably be that thick that I'll not be able to get close enough to the screen to see it!

. . 'ere, that's a thought! With every new Vegas, a screen improver! - Oh yes please!

. . .so glad you think the level of Forum responses is becoming professional - of course I DO, very much, place myself amongst this elite group - naturally . . . can't be having riff raff lurking hereabouts, oh no! Absolutely No silly posts and waste of time long messages, from people banging on and on and on about people banging on and on and on . . . < wink! >
