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Subject:CD Block Boundaries and Absolute Frames
Posted by: msterlin
Date:10/2/2003 4:21:19 PM

When burning a wav file to cd you want to ensure that the wav fits into an integral number of blocks (1 / 75 second = 588 samples) and i wanted to see if SF can help with this problem. The Absolute Frames status view shows the number of frames for the file but by using the insert silence command I see that 1 frame = 2940 samples, which is 1 / 15 second (5 cd blocks). Its easy enough to figure out that the total number of frames has to end in .000, .200, .400, .600, or .800 to match a cd block boundary, but i was wondering if the choice of 2940 samples to represent a 'frame' is some standard I'm not aware of or just an arbitrary choice.

Subject:RE: CD Block Boundaries and Absolute Frames
Reply by: Sonic
Date:10/2/2003 8:54:27 PM

You can change the frame rate to anything you want in prefs (Status tab). The default is 15 fps (a common rate for streaming media formats) or the frame rate of the video if there is any. In your case, you could just set the framerate to 75 fps and snap to frames.

Note, you must close the window, then change the frame rate to make it the default for subsequent opens.

Subject:RE: CD Block Boundaries and Absolute Frames
Reply by: msterlin
Date:10/2/2003 9:17:40 PM

Thanks Sonic. I figured there had to be a good reason why 15 fps was the default, I just didn't know why or that it could be changed - and now I do. :)

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