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Posted by: JohnGG
Date:9/18/2003 6:51:57 PM

I am still trying to get Sound Forge Studio to record a signal from the Sound Blaster line input. I have the Mixer volumes right up but I cannot find a way to set the record level in Sound Forge.

In the Manual under "Setting the Record Level" on page 125/126 seems to indicate that, after clicking the Monitor box, I can click on the level indicators in the Record Dialogue box and then drag them to the setting I want. But the level indicators do not respond to my clicking them and I cannot drag them.

What am I doing wrong?

Subject:RE: Recording
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:9/18/2003 7:09:46 PM

You're probably setting the Playback/Monitor levels for the SoundBlaster card, not the Record levels. Bring up the volume control panel for the sound card, then click Options / Properties / Recording / OK. This is where you set the input source and levels for recording.

Subject:RE: Recording
Reply by: surfnturk
Date:9/18/2003 11:29:49 PM

You said SF Studio, right? I think in the Studio version you don't have the mixer volume controls you do in the full Sound Forge. Not sure because I have only used the Studio version.
Regardless, I use the Windows Master Volume control to adjust volume input. Don't forget within Windows Master volume, under Options, Properties you choose what controls to view.
Good luck....

Subject:RE: Recording
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:9/19/2003 6:56:58 AM

I don't believe Sound Forge, either Studio or full version, allow setting the record volume level. At least if they do, i haven't found it and the manual doesn't say how to do it. As far as i can tell, the only way to adjust it is through the sound card's mixer panel or at the external device feeding the sound card.

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