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Subject:OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Posted by: RiRo
Date:9/15/2003 1:25:51 AM


I know this is OT, but need some advice. I am doing some "man on the street" type interviews for a local news radio station and need a good sounding portable (handheld) digital recorder. It needs to have a decent recording time of at least 30 minutes, and needs to sound good. I will rework everything in Forge 6.0 before airing so it needs no editing or such capabilities. I have a fair selection of mics, so if the unit has a mic plug to escape the crummy condenser they usually come with that would be a plus. It also needs to be able to get files into a computer fast, either via some kind of card reader or USB or ir. Real-time is too slow.

If this is too OT, just slap me and I'll shut up.



Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: Goldenears
Date:9/15/2003 3:15:35 AM

Its a real enough question.

You don't mention your budget. Probably a wise idea. Unfortunately if you require professional results and reliability you usually have to pay.

Sony had some really small battery DAT machines in the 90s for exactly your scenario. Plug in your mic (and I think line as well) and away you went.

Not as small though as their mini-disc solution which has had widespread broadcasting use acceptance in Australia. One model is/was the same size as a walkperson size cd player, with (I think an inbuilt stereo mic) but at least a mono mic. Quality was excellent. The only drawback is real time sound extraction unless you have access to one of their studio editing machines which I think allowed digital access and non-linear editing.

If you go down the mini-disc route and edit within Sound Forge I'd advise saving as .WAV as several generations of mini-disc compression/expansion can sound definitely wobbly.

I've just looked up the current Sony catalogue, their MZN710 ($A600) might be an answer - as well as their more expensive models. USB transfer looks possible too.

And there must be memory stick recorders around as well.

An interesting topic, if thats your business.


Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:9/15/2003 4:27:55 AM

A portable MiniDisc recorder is what you need.


Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: surfnturk
Date:9/15/2003 11:03:02 AM

You said "Real-time is too slow" If that is the case, minidisc won't help. The current minidisc set up allows fast usb transfer from PC --> MD but not the other way.

Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: RiRo
Date:9/16/2003 9:56:03 AM

Are any of the little pocket mp3 recorders any good?


Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: surfnturk
Date:9/17/2003 2:10:44 AM

Mr. promote minidisc here. You wanted digital recording. Now you are asking about MP3 recording. If you go the MP3 format your quality will suffer with the added compression of MP3.
Just wanted to ask, why is real time transfer too slow?

Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: RiRo
Date:9/17/2003 12:37:36 PM

Convenience mainly. I don't want to have to listen to tons of stuff to find what I want to use. I would rather dump the file, click around a couple times and be ready to go to work.

Real time would probably work, just not the first choice.


Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: MJhig
Date:9/17/2003 12:56:58 PM

I can't tell you which model (why I haven't posted up to now) but Sony has at least one minidisk recorder that will dump data via USB.

I did some phone support walking someone through working in Sound Forge. He transferred some data to Sound Forge several times while on the phone with me, but you'll have research Sony's models to find it/them.


Subject:RE: OT: need suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: surfnturk
Date:9/18/2003 11:08:21 AM

I am REALLY interested in which unit does USB up. There are minidisc decks (desktop, not portable) which might do it.

A couple of good resources for minidisc info:

Subject:Color me stupid
Reply by: RiRo
Date:9/19/2003 12:08:36 AM

I have to carry the laptop anyway, so I installed SF 5.0 on it and plugged a Shure SM-58 into it and there it is... portable enough and quality is awesome. I stuck Vegas Audio 2.0 (yeah, old, but better than the multi-track stuff in a portable) on it to have a tool to play with. I will have the opportunity to rework the audio in SF 6 and Vegas 4 at the studio anyway... so I guess this was just an exercise.

Sorry. BTW, I never did find a portable minidisc with USB up. There are desktop units out there... but the portables are well hidden.


Subject:RE: suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: rraud
Date:9/19/2003 1:12:18 PM

Marantz makes the PMD670 Portable Flash recorder and the CDR300 Portable CD recorder.

Subject:RE: suggestions for portable digital recorder
Reply by: PixelStuff
Date:9/25/2003 2:47:30 AM

I would say also. Out of everything I know about, the Marantz is probably what you are looking for.



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