Subject:Wrong Root Note in Track Properties -- How Do I Change It?
Posted by: bflat
Date:9/7/2003 2:50:02 AM
I have erronenous TRACK PROPERTIES information, and can't figure out how to edit it. If my sample has a riff in it in the KEY of D, and the ROOT NOTE is listed as E, how do I change that? AND: CAN I LEAVE NOTES ANYWHERE IN the sample? I've figured out some samples note-for-note, and would like to put that information somewhere on the sample. Thanks |
Subject:RE: Wrong Root Note in Track Properties -- How Do I Change It?
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:9/8/2003 8:16:49 AM
You can change it in sound forge - or you can double click the loop to put it into a track, the right click and select properties. That is where you change your "track properties." |