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Subject:Not enough disk space error
Posted by: Vuilnisman
Date:9/5/2003 9:07:10 AM

I'm editing (normalizing) a large wave file in Sonic Foundry 6. Halfway the operation, it stops and gives the error that there isn't enought disk space left.
However, there's 1 GB available on my HD. The file that I'm editing is a 250 MB wave file.

I know that editing large sound files requires a lot of disk space, but I GB of space for editing a 250 MB wave file should be enough by far, shouldn't it?

Subject:RE: Not enough disk space error
Reply by: msterlin
Date:9/5/2003 11:04:10 AM

I used to get the same error in SF 5 Studio when fading out the last 5 seconds of a song and I had 1 GB of Ram and 50 GB of hard disk free space.

Nobody replied to my question then. Its a bug and the error message likely has nothing to do with the real problem. SF 6 hasn't had the problem.

Subject:RE: Not enough disk space error
Reply by: rraud
Date:9/5/2003 12:05:44 PM

Update to the latest version. 6.0e build 237.

Go to top of webpage Support/Updates.

Also take into consideration SF creates a temp. file which is at least as large as the original.

Subject:RE: Not enough disk space error
Reply by: metrazol
Date:9/5/2003 12:09:54 PM

Well, you might actually be running out of space, in a way.

SF 6 uses disk based editing, and so requires a large amount of disk to use as swap and scratch space. The bigger the file, the more space it needs. The more complex the operations, the more space it needs. Just opening a file, IIR, puts a set of scratch files onto disk the same size as the original, or some derivative.

I know this is going to sound terrible, but if you're working with 250MB files and only have 1GB left, you're going to need more space. Where are you going to put a backup copy? Or 2? Then you'll be really, really, out of disk space.

Best bet is do some backup. Toss some old projects to CD, or hey, a 120GB disk is only $109 at CostCo...

Subject:RE: Not enough disk space error
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:9/7/2003 2:42:31 AM

Make sure your *temporary* file folder is on your big audio drive too (Options | Peferences | Perform )


Subject:RE: Not enough disk space error
Reply by: Goldenears
Date:9/8/2003 2:12:43 AM

Hi there,

In addition to all of the above may I suggest a defrag.

Also I've had SF crash after many hours of working with very large .wav files (each >250MB) even with 40GB free on a freshly defragged HD. My PC runs at 1.2GHz with 512MB of RAM and normally never crashes. I suspect that it was to do with the clipboard, as a quick closedown/restart of SF immediately fixes the problem.

Hope this helps, Goldenears

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