need to burnmultiple copies of vid

ReneH wrote on 8/27/2003, 2:18 PM
How can I auotmate the process? Would I need to "Make DVD" for each dvd I burn?

Also, another very important question:

Is it neccessary to click on the "Prerpare & Burn" DVD button each time I burn a copy of the same video or I should click on the "Burn" DVD instead?

I dont want to re render the mpeg again, which results in degration of the video.


nolonemo wrote on 8/27/2003, 3:46 PM
If I were doing that, I would just use the "prepare dvd" button to create the files and folders and then use my buring program (I use Prassi, but many use Nero) to burn multiple copies from that.
jetdv wrote on 8/27/2003, 4:21 PM
For the second and more times, just click on the "Burn DVD". Once prepared, that part does not need to be done again.
ReneH wrote on 8/27/2003, 8:26 PM
Thanks a whole lot, Bro. Thats what I have been doing since this afternoon.
JackHammer wrote on 9/4/2003, 3:00 AM
The ability to make multiple copies is a feature I would like to see in DVDA.