OT: Scenalyzer 24p question and general question

dcJohn wrote on 7/23/2003, 12:33 AM
Hi folks... you'd think I could get an answer on the scenalyzer tech support, but no luck, so I thought I'd come to the friendly folks here :-)

I'm editing with Vegas 4.0c, shooting with a Panasonic DVX100, and so I'm usually shooting and editing in 24 advanced progressive mode. I like some of the short cuts offered in Scenalyzer, but I wasn't sure if it would allow me to capture and natively edit in Vegas 24 advanced progressive material. Ideas?

Also, just to check if I'm doing this right...
My footage's final destination is regular ntsc miniDV, so I'm shooting in 24p(a), editing in native 24p(a), and then in my final render before kicking out I'm rendering with the ntsc dv 24p inserting 2-3 pulldown to keep the 24p look but make it compatible with all minidv cameras. Is that right?


SonyDennis wrote on 7/31/2003, 5:41 PM
We made zero changes to our capture program to support the DVX100 24p modes, so I believe that you could use Scenalyzer to capture your DVX100 tapes, provided they don't mess with the DV headers. You'd want to test this theory before commiting a large project to it.

Shooting 24pA (2-3-3-2 pulldown), editing in 24p (with pre-renders to 24pA with 2-3-3-2 pulldown), and final rendering to 24p (2-3 pulldown) is exactly what's recommended in the Vegas 24p whitepaper.

dcJohn wrote on 8/2/2003, 7:48 PM
Great! Dennis, thanks for the help and all the help in general you provide on this forum.