Petition for FX Freeze to be made for DX NOW!!!!!!!!!!

SHTUNOT wrote on 7/22/2003, 7:12 PM
Please go to this thread and make your voice be heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This product would benefit everyone. This is a feature that logic 6 users have been crapping over and I'm jeolous. They say after giga+OS X support but with enough names maybe we can chage that.




PipelineAudio wrote on 7/23/2003, 1:51 AM

the teleport looks cool too, anyone tried it yet?
SHTUNOT wrote on 7/23/2003, 4:33 PM
I'm very sorry for rushing my post. I was heading to the gym and should have been more clear...

Long story short its a method of rendering your audios tracks fx to disk with a simple click of a icon on the plugin ui itself. No need to render to new track or anything. If one would like to tweak the fx again its a simple click on the icon to "unfreeze" the track and make your adjustments.

This would be amazing because one wouldn't need a PV 5ghz cpu to keep up with these new 64bit audio plugins on the market.[ie:izotope] or you would be able to run as many waves plugins as you would like. Why? Again its because when you "freeze" the audio track it then stops the realtime process and renders the track to disk. I'm assuming it discards it when you begin tweaking once more.

This works for VSTi"s as well. Read the link for more info.

I always seem to run out of cpu power right when I have a mix "almost" there then...;( I've got to bounce...

FXFreeze hasn't been released yet so there isn't a forum set up. But the makers of FX Freeze and FXteleport are one in the same. And the thread is based in their "feature requests" section so when better to start yes? At least the owners would have a heads up to people who will possibly be purchasing their product.

Sorry for being so vague...

Please cast your vote.


Ben  wrote on 7/23/2003, 4:57 PM
This does seem very cool. In fact, surely it would be worth SoFo thinking about having this idea incorporated in Vegas? This way you could freeze a whole plug-in chain without having to first put them into a wrapper. Potentially very neat...

JohanAlthoff wrote on 7/23/2003, 10:23 PM
Reading about the "Freeze Tracks" feature in Logic 6 was definitely one of the most profound "oh god, why didn't I think of that" moments in my life.

I really can't see any objection to the Vegas team pursuing the implementation of this feature, it seems fairly consistent with the application profile AND it would put a definite stop to this mad "new DAW every 6 months" rush that's been going on for the last few years.

Please, Vegas devs, tell me you'll at least consider this for a Vegas 5 feature?
SHTUNOT wrote on 7/23/2003, 10:38 PM
They won't need to spend the R&D money on it if these guys get it right. This way the vegas development team can focus on other issues.

Outlaw wrote on 7/26/2003, 8:47 PM
hey guys im running that in SX and wow its pretty kool there are some latency issues becouse of network traffic but im avereging about 500 to 750 samples latency which it tells you so you can compensate in your host app but yeah its realy kool app if they can something for DirectX that would be even better