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Subject:ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Posted by: ESS
Date:7/25/2003 9:42:40 PM

Hi all,

Has anyone here been able to get Rebirth to work with ACID Pro 4.0e?
Rebirth is not showing up in my Rewire devices tab or Rewire prefernces.
Any ideas?


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/26/2003 2:55:23 PM

Had no problems here with the ReBirth demo. If anything, have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling ReBirth? Get the update for ReBirth?


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: ESS
Date:7/26/2003 3:15:02 PM

I have the latest version of Rebirth 2.0.1. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it still is not showing up. The refresh button on the rewire devices tab is grayed out.

Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/26/2003 6:03:02 PM

What else does the ReWire device tab tell you about the state of ReWire when ACID is running?

Note: You MUST start ACID before starting ANY ReWire app/host or Device (i.e. Rebirth). If you don't, then ACID will not be able to communicate with any ReWire devices installed on your system. This is how ReWire works.


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: ESS
Date:7/26/2003 9:21:02 PM

Hi thanx for your quick response. The Rewire device tab doesn't say anything and the refresh button is greyed out. Yes I started ACID before starting any Rewire apps also.

Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/26/2003 9:37:45 PM

So the ReWire tab says "ACID is a ReWire Mixer Application"?

Run regedit and locate this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Propellerhead Software\ReWire

There should be a key labled 'ReBirth'.

If not, then ReBirth is not installed correctly.

If it is, what is the the "Device Path". Is the ReBirth.dll located where it says it should be?


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: ESS
Date:7/26/2003 9:56:09 PM

Yes the Rewire tab says "ACID is a Rewire Mixer Application".
In the registry there is a key labeled Rebirth inside it says: "Device Path REG_SZ C:\PROGRA~1\PROPEL~1\REBIRT~1.0\ReBirth.dll"

Now I checked for the ReBirth.dll and it is in the following location:
"C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\ReBirth RB-338 2.0\ReBirth.dll"

Please note that when I installed it I did a typical install and I didn't chage the default directory or anything else.

Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/27/2003 6:11:40 PM

Looks like ReBirth did not install correctly.

Try this:

- Delete the key you located in the registry (the one labled ReBirth).
- Run ReBirth.

Some ReWire devices will update their registry key once run.

You could also try editing the ReBirth registry key with the correct path to the Rebirth.dll.

If this does not work, then uninstall and reinstall ReBirth. Then check the registry to see if it updated correctly and points to the correct location.



Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: ESS
Date:7/27/2003 8:22:37 PM


I tried all of those things that you mentioned and none of those ideas helped. I even
downloaded the ReBirth demo but it has the same problem.

Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: ESS
Date:7/28/2003 4:22:03 PM


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/28/2003 7:20:08 PM

I have found no method to repro what you are experiancing. ReBirth works as it should with ACID 4.0e. Even checked with many other users. All have no issues.

You will have to contact the Propellerheads and see if they can sort out what is up with your system and ReBirth.


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: valiumart
Date:8/17/2003 6:34:34 AM

If I recall correctly, Rebirth ships with an older version of Rewire - perhaps installing Rebirth has overwritten the correct Rewire DLL.

Have you tried reinstalling ACID after Rebirth - that may overwrite any old version of the Rewire DLL with a new version.

Certainly, I had to install Reason *after* Rebirth, or bad things happened.


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: pwppch
Date:8/17/2003 3:55:07 PM

ACID does not install the ReWire.dll as it is a host. Only ReWire devices will (should) install the ReWire.dll.

If ReBirth is overwriting the latest version of the ReWire.dll with an older version, that is VERY bad on the Rebirth installer. You should contact the Propellerheads on that.


Subject:RE: ACID Pro 4.0e and Rebirth
Reply by: groovewerx
Date:8/18/2003 6:25:16 AM

Do you have the Rebirth CD loaded in the tray when launching it?

ReBirth is copy protected so that you have to load the CD to authorise it every time it launches.

Also, I don't know from the demo but with the retail version you have to install RB2.0 before you update it to 2.0.1.

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