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Subject:batch process first half-second of many files!
Posted by: broos
Date:7/21/2003 4:11:21 PM

Hi, I work for a radio station and I would like to bring the db down on the first fraction of a second on a load of wav files, and would like to do it by batch processing. However I can't seem to save a global setting in the conversion settings. It is possible to select a certain "time" in the "selection" setting, but this seems only to apply to the file which is selected, or highlighted in the batch process window (list of files which have been added). The reason is because we have a majority of our music provided by a distribution company, and we download the tunes in 320kb mp3, and then convert them to wav. But during this process we are seeing a clip/glitch in the first part of the file. We have 1200 tunes in the library playlist and need to run some sort of batch command to bring this peak down and then normalise all wavs to a certain db level. Can any of you Forge geniuses help? I have tried a variety of volume/normalise processes but can't seem to find a fix. It's no problem leaving the bad audio but I need to be able to bring the db down substantially on only this part of each file....

Thanks and looking forward to any ideas/solutions



Subject:RE: batch process first half-second of many files!
Reply by: elemmons
Date:7/23/2003 11:31:05 AM

I too would dearly love some software that would do the type processing you're talking about.
It would be neat if Sound Forge had some sort of batch processing "macro" or language in it.
It would be great to be able to aply the same effects chain, for example to a group of files.
As far as I know the batch processor from Sound Forge won't do the type thing you are asking for. It's really just a conversion tool more than a true batch processor.

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