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Subject:graphic-based resynth?
Posted by: wazer
Date:7/23/2003 7:26:25 AM

Hi SF forum!

I can remove the kicks, basses, toms from drum loops in a wery easy way (using FusionFilter's 2-or 4pole HPF with freq automation on each bass-contained region). I'm more than happy with the processed wav. The basses are TOTALLY gone - but for e.g. the snares and hats are the same (not processed)!

But how to get the KICK or BASS out of the loop, without ANY ambience from the original material? My goal with this idea is to do some little - or more - changes of for e.g. the kick's last sine-like period, or add one more, or pitch bend the last two periods, or cutting out a "dead" period - FINE TUNING. This sould save a lot of butts after a badly choosen or overcompressed kick sample in the mixed music... Can you imagine? Change the BOTTOM PUNCH without changing the others?...
Mmmm... :)

I mean if i should have an option in SF to REDRAW the BASS frequencies with breakpoints and sine-like interpolation (with Photoshop i can draw lines like this, but doesn't have sound..) would be wery handful for me. I need ONLY THE SIMPLE SINE-LIKE kick to add to the FusionFilter processed loop. (saved as a new .wav, added back to the loop-or music in VEGAS)

I don't like to add a new kick sample to the processed loop dont't wanna search for similar-sounding, i wanna use or "rework" the ORIGINAL.
LPF filter doesn't work well, it CHANGES the freq.

The opposite of this method should work like a perfect BASS (or kick) remover. I wanna redraw the bass freq - that i want to remove - in the graphical owerwiew of the original region, then invert the drawed signal - should this work? I think so.

What about to start with a .bmp player?

Any ideas or programs to do this with?



Subject:RE: graphic-based resynth?
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:7/23/2003 7:34:34 AM

Sound Forge has a pencil tool that will let you draw in a waveform. However, it's not a repeatable thing; you must draw in each cycle of the wave rather than just drawing one wave.

Personally i think you'll be getting into a lot more effort than you want to deal with since the waveform is a combination of many different frequencies all of which vary over time. You're not dealing with simple sine waves. The basses were more or less removed with HPF filters because their waveforms don't include much in the way of overtones. Drums on the other hand tend to have frequencies spread throughout the whole spectrum since their waveforms are much closer to noise than to sine waves.

Good luck.

Subject:RE: graphic-based resynth?
Reply by: wazer
Date:7/23/2003 7:48:23 AM

Hi Chienworks!

I use the pencitl tool a lot, but NOT for drawing KICKS. Have you ever tried to draw a sine wave with the pencil tool?

At this method i dont need any overtones. Just simple sine, BUT WAIT.
NOT a simple sine. A bit complex, with bending frequencies (check out for e.g. a TR909 kick sample).

I love the BIIG POWERFUL dance-techno-like kicks. In the music there is not so important to have overtones. If i need, i can mix a litte noise to the created sample.


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