
pwppch wrote on 6/24/2003, 4:01 PM
It has been fixed in the next update. No date on the release of this.

dr_skipper wrote on 6/27/2003, 10:13 AM
I guess I can just keep staring at my manual and the computer screen knowing that maybe someday I can use what I paid for.
pwppch wrote on 6/27/2003, 1:24 PM
Again, we have address the problem. FWIW, it is a bug in the Wave driver for the Digi hardware that Vegas (and ACID) happen to expose. Digi is aware of the bug.

Also, Digi is also in the process of releasing a dual Wave/ASIO driver for their hardware as well. So you will be able to get the best of both worlds with the Digi hardware.

MacMoney wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:47 PM
>Also, Digi is also in the process of releasing a dual Wave/ASIO driver for their hardware as well. So you will be able to get the best of both worlds with the Digi hardware.


Cool deal Peter!

George Ware
Geoff_Wood wrote on 6/28/2003, 5:19 AM
Hey George,

Don't accidentally put a 'z' on the end of your surname, or we might all get the wrong idea !!!


MacMoney wrote on 6/28/2003, 7:22 AM
>Don't accidentally put a 'z' on the end of your surname, or we might all get the wrong idea !!!



"LOL" I feel no love in this room from Mr. Woods

George War
Geoff_Wood wrote on 6/28/2003, 7:57 AM
Dr Skipper, Have you written to Digi yet, and asked to be able to use what you paid for ?

dr_skipper wrote on 6/30/2003, 9:55 AM
The wave driver has worked fine in every one of my apps.....
then I updated from Vegas 4.0b to Vegas 4.0c, and then no more audio in Vegas and DVD Architect.
Acid 4.0b worked until I udated to Acid 4.0c, then 4.0d, now Acid doesn't work.
Now the only Sonic Foundy app that works for me is Sound Forge, because it uses Digi's wav driver. Will the next update for Sound Forge cause it to stop working as well?
Blame Digi, but I downloaded these from
pwppch wrote on 6/30/2003, 5:27 PM
What about my earlier posts don't you understand?


dr_skipper wrote on 7/1/2003, 10:18 AM
Ask the Engineering Manager/Vegas, what he did to finally get Vegas working for me......
Nothing I didn't understand from your post, and it works now, without any changes from Digi.

SF note: Dr skipper has been testing a not-quite-ready-for-prime-time beta version of Vegas 4.0d
pwppch wrote on 7/1/2003, 3:08 PM
The "Engineering Manager/Vegas". He sounds so important<g>

Dave did tell me that he got you my changes so you can test with the Digi wave driver. From what he said, it fixes your problem.

Did you contact Digi about this? It is their bug and it would be nice if they fixed it. Until users complain to the hardware vendor, we are constantly having to code around bugs in drivers.

dr_skipper wrote on 7/1/2003, 3:28 PM
Well, if I contacted them, I wouldn't know what to say exactly.

Their "broken" wav driver works in cool edit pro, sound forge, media player, wavelab, t-racks, cubase, etc (and up to versions 4.0b of vegas and acid).

If you know what is broken in the driver, maybe you could contact them.
I'm an end user. I wouldn't even know what to tell them is wrong with the driver.
I get the feeling they would say,"It works in all of your programs? What's the problem, then?"
pwppch wrote on 7/1/2003, 10:58 PM
Of course I have contacted them. Many times.

Since you are convinced that it was our problem, then there is no point in discussing it further. Your problem is solved and that is what I had set out to do.

However, I pose this for your consideration:
If it was a general problem, then every wave driver would have had the exact same problem. This is not the case. The Digi Wave driver is the only driver that behaved this way.
