Simple Workflow method . .

Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 5:58 AM
I've got something like 120 clips. All neatly arranged in the Media Pool.

I want a simple method to select from the them "choice" sections as an intro. Now, I can either open in Trimmer and steal stuff from the clips and pitch 'em up to the T/L or throw the whole 120 clips up on the T/L and do my thing there. This last method can/does get a little messy.

My question to you all, what is your choice workflow method for doing this? And why?

Simple question. Needs simple elegant solution.




TorS wrote on 6/27/2003, 6:12 AM
You want to rename them in groups A001 A002 B001 B002 etc. Then, when you throw them on your timeline, they'll sort themselves out - or rather, Vegas will.
AlexB wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:04 AM
Now I would suppose you don't need stuff from 120 Clips just for an Intro? I would try the trimmer,selecting stuff and naming regions in there. Could also use edge trimming in the timeline. Don't show all the good stuff in the intro. Remember Scrat in "Ice Age"? The film never came anywhere near that intro.
Regards A.
Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:08 AM
Okay, I understand what you saying - nearly. Are you saying that the Alpha/Numeric sort in Explorer will arrange them in the order of selection? Sooo... what I can do is decide which clips go where by naming them "sequectially". Correct? Hmmm.. this is a bit massive.

Supplementary question: Can I exchange a T/L clip with a clip I'm working with in Trimmer? That is - I don't like what I put up on the T/L, I want to try this one, in the Trimmer, instead.

Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:12 AM
Alex - you got in between, as I was replying to Tor. Yup, understand what you said. Exactly. I'm making a "Grab Yer!" intro. Could be some of the good stuff - not all though! - I'll keep that in mind though. - I'm from the "Leave 'Em Wanting More" school of thought.

Chienworks wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:32 AM
Grazie: try using takes for this. Right-mouse-button drag the clip onto the timeline and choose "Add as Take". This keeps both the original and the new (and as many subsequent new clips as you wish) all on the timeline. Highlight the event and press T to toggle through the various takes until you've decided which you like best.
TorS wrote on 6/27/2003, 7:35 AM
I'm sorry, I thought you said stills. Can't think what came over me. Must have swallowed a fish or something.
wcoxe1 wrote on 6/27/2003, 9:38 AM
Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 9:59 AM
FISH - Animals residents of the aquatic regions of the World - Known for appearing to drink a lot of water when in fact they are passing the water over their gills, this is so they can extract oxygen for their well being and survival - yeah? Unlike Vikings, who just DRINK!!!

TorS will fill you in on the rest . . . November 2003 Second invasion of the Norsemen - In a friendly Pub near you in London - HEY! Where's the London Vegas User Group when you need them? - Surely we could muster at least 5 blokes to fend of this HORNED invader - remember the pilliging?!

C'mon TorSie! Retort . .. Retort! Repost . . Repost . . .

Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 10:01 AM
Sorry Kelly, got sidetracked by . . FISH . . for a moment there. Thank you very much.

I'm emplying what you suggest - I'm starting to make V4 "work" for me, instead of the other way round.


MaxH wrote on 6/27/2003, 1:51 PM
Let's get revenge on those Vikings!
Just say where and when.
Grazie wrote on 6/27/2003, 2:10 PM
HEY . . HEY . . . HEY!!!!!

SC - Sometime in November - yeah? Mind you I'm thirsty NOW!

Good to hear from you.

TorS wrote on 6/27/2003, 4:51 PM
There's a pub in a small street going South from King's Street (could be Smith, Radnor, Shawfield or Flood Street - or at least thereabouts). And they pull Young's! There's a stuffed bear in there, dressed unconvincingly as a barman, and being very worn out (from the lousy beggars who don't take no reply for an answer). You simply can't miss it. I've only been there in the afternoon, so I don't really know the scene - but it seemed like a friendly place. The bear gave me no trouble (read that out loud and see if it changes meaning).
The other nearest Young's pub is way down Fulham Road (which - I suppose - is even nearer to Wimbledon).
By the way, supercoach, half of you lot has Viking blood in you anyway, you just don't know which half.
Grazie wrote on 6/28/2003, 12:58 AM
Torsy - I think I've been in both - at some time! I think the Bear STILL owes me 20 quid! And such bad manners . . reallly . . really Bearish . .

Hey Torsy - You referring to the London Potter?? - Good Youngs Pub - Youngs will do mean BEER very nicely - thank you very much & Good Nite . . .

Aint this a bit of topic? . . . . Workflow . . .Beerflow . . .on second thoughts NAH!

Anyways . .. plenty of time to plan .. . .

MaxH wrote on 6/28/2003, 3:43 PM
Young's is brewed in Wandsworth which is less than two miles from the Fulham Road - and less than one mile from me. The Young's delivery wagon is still pulled by dray horses - but not driven by a stuffed bear!
I guess that the Viking half is the sensible half - rape, pillage and plunder :-)