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Subject:Sonic Foundry web site in spanish? because not?
Posted by: juan2003
Date:6/25/2003 11:53:55 PM

Sonic Foundry is a powerful company creator of softwares of first class (Sound Forge, Acid Pro, Vegas, CD Architec, Siren, etc) well-known at world level, and to existing two standards languages, spanish and english, in North America, Center America and South America. In South America the Sonic Foundry's products are very usefull, but a lot of people do not know English and they can't be up-to-date with the information (no downloads, no upgrades only textual information) that is available on the Sonic Foundry's web site or home page.
It is for it that I make arrive a simple suggestion which is: the possible creation of
a Sonic Foundry's web site or home page in Spanish language dedicated at all the users of Latin America, therefore, Sonic Foundry's products and the philosophy could arrive at more hispanic speech people which could to know more closely at the Sonic Soundry.

Thank you.
Sincerely. Juan Pastor (from Lima - Peru, South America)


Sonic Foundry es una poderosa empresa creadora de softwares de primera clase(Sound Forge, Acid Pro, Vegas, CD Architect, Siren, etc) conocida a nivel mundial, y existiendo dos idomas estandar, el español y el ingles, en Norte America, Centro America y Sud America. Aqui en Sud America los productos Sonic Foundry son muy utilizados, pero mucha gente no sabe ingles y no puede estar actualizada con la información (no descargas, no actualizaciones solo informacion textual) que está disponible en la pagina web de la Sonic Foundry..
Es por ello que hago llegar una sencilla sugerencia la cual es: la posible creacion de
una pagina web de la Sonic Foundry en español dedicada a todos los usuarios de America Latina, por lo tanto, los productos y la filosofia de la Sonic Foundry podria llegar a mas gente de habla hispana la cual podria conocer mas de cerca a Sonic Foundry.

Muchas gracias.
Atentamente. Juan Pastor (de Lima - Peru, Sud America)

Subject:RE: Sonic Foundry web site in spanish? because not?
Reply by: MyST
Date:6/26/2003 9:16:56 PM

Sonic Foundry doesn't target JUST the Americas, they are a WORLD player. The website is viewable in English and French (certain sections anyway), but I don't know if it's viewable in other languages.


Subject:RE: Sonic Foundry web site in spanish? because not?
Reply by: SkZ
Date:6/27/2003 5:59:32 AM

It would be quite easy to set your own forum up ( en espanol )..... Try " phpBB " :)

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