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Subject:Attn: Acid30 users from yahoo groups..
Posted by: frankii
Date:6/24/2003 2:38:13 AM

Hey gangAs many of you may know, I created the yahoo group acid30 a few years back - - however, over time it has been spammed as well as yahoo taking advantage by posting commericals and ads on almost every turn - - -

That said, I've decided to test the waters with a forum - and what I have done is I have created a forums section at our website. You can find the link here:

I have also created some other groups which I may or may not keep, depending on the activity.

Also, since the website is a non-subscriber website, and professional in nature, it will not be advertised on the main page (, at least not at this time. I want to experiment and see how it goes and see if it provides a better service to the Acid based (and other software) users and of course, break-away from all the spam that the yahoo message board sometimes gets.

I will also be looking for a few moderators (in due time) as I will not be able to monitor the forums all the time.

In closing, it looks ok, but more importantly, it works and it is much faster.

Hope you like it better


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