Subject:Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Posted by: merlyn60
Date:6/13/2003 9:16:45 AM
Hey Peter....I was wondering if there was any progress made on my Event EZbus ASIO Problem. Acid 4.0e is so much more solid than the other release that I've been busy putting in major work on it, but getting my ASIO to work would really but the icing on the cake for me. I'm posting to you directly Peter because you're way faster and more helpful than regular tech support. Plus I saw you lurking here already for the day! =) Merlyn |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: pwppch
Date:6/13/2003 12:44:55 PM
No. We don't see the performance problems you are encountering in our in house testing. The ASIO drivers for the EZbus don't permit TRUE ASIO buffer settings - they are fixed in size and I am guessing too small in your situation to run properly with ACID. We have discussed this with the driver developers for the EZBus, but they don't seem interested in addressing this issue. One thing I did notice when I was testing with the EZbus, that I would get poor performance if the EZBus was not connected directly the PC's USB port. That is, if I connected it to a USB hub, the performance was terrible and EVERY app I used with it would gap and skip and generally sound terrible. Once I reconnected directly to the PC, this problem went away. Peter |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: clarksil
Date:6/13/2003 4:50:16 PM
Merlyn, WHere did you get Acid 4e? I only see 4d so far on the updates page. |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: merlyn60
Date:6/14/2003 9:23:05 AM
Sorry Clarksil....."slip of the keys"! =) Merlyn |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: merlyn60
Date:6/14/2003 9:25:29 AM
Thanks for the reply Peter. No USB hub in my setup. Its connected directly to the PC. I guess I will have to go back to Event. Merlyn |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/16/2003 5:43:33 PM
Merlyn- May I ask what CPU speed your system is running at? One thing that we've noticed is that devices set to ultra-low buffer sizes can perform markedly differently on fast machines versus slow machines. There is a lot of system overhead involved when trying to turn buffers around that quickly. FWIW, Joel |
Subject:RE: Peter...any luck with my Event EZbus ASIO Problem?
Reply by: merlyn60
Date:6/16/2003 5:53:24 PM
I'm running an Asus P4B Motherboard, P4 1.8GHZ processor, 768 Ram, and Windows XP. Merlyn |