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Subject:How to simulate slow/fast reel-to-reel
Posted by: dndemattia
Date:6/9/2003 3:46:37 PM

I've found Sound Forge good for everything except trying to simulate a reel-to-reel slowing down & speeding up or an album slowing down to a stop. DOES ANYONE HAVE A SUGGESTION???? I need to figure this out - have a looming deadline. If all else fails I can record sound on my old reel-to-reel and playback into computer, but I would rather do it all in the computer.

Any Suggestions?

Subject:RE: How to simulate slow/fast reel-to-reel
Reply by: rraud
Date:6/9/2003 8:28:23 PM

Can't be done. Use the R-R.

Subject:RE: How to simulate slow/fast reel-to-reel
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:6/9/2003 9:02:50 PM

You can get close using Pitch / Bend. Select the section you want to have slow down, click Effects/Pitch/Bend, set the maximum bend about to 24 semitones, set the start point to 0 semitones and the end to -24 semitones, apply the effect. Repeat this a couple of times and you'll be very close. It won't go all the way to stop, but the end will be so slow that you can probably just fade out the last couple of milliseconds and no one will notice the difference. Choosing a very very short selection to begin with is better than a longer selection.

To go from stopped to running have the bend go from -24 to 0 semitones instead.

Subject:RE: How to simulate slow/fast reel-to-reel
Reply by: dndemattia
Date:6/10/2003 10:22:32 AM


Just tried your suggestion and it works great for what I need! I was aware of the pitch shift, but not the feature you described. I like how you can bring up the waveform and apply the effect to the areas you want - not just apply to the whole file.

Thanks for your help!

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