
mchaboud wrote on 6/3/2003, 3:30 AM
I'm speechless...
mchaboud wrote on 6/3/2003, 3:31 AM
P.S. That's not a good speechless....
Grazie wrote on 6/3/2003, 4:15 AM
I understand.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 6/3/2003, 11:42 AM
Grazie, I'm not sure what leaves me more speechless, the video or your (and the other's) comments regarding the video. Did I miss something along the way?

Grazie wrote on 6/3/2003, 11:52 AM
Well, for my money, I was very impressed with the filmakers "sideways" use of the V4 functions. I understand that mchaboud is speechless - if mchaboud wishes to say why, we will see, if not we won't - this I understand and I said so. If you read my comments on the same site I expressed that which I've said here PLUS I said I had a few quibbles. My understanding of forums is to give support to like minded individuals. That's it in a nutshell - nothing more, nothing less simple.

Now, back to my exploration Advanced Capture . . . .

Best regards,

mark2929 wrote on 6/3/2003, 1:39 PM
Grazie I understood your comments as being encouragement everyone has to start somewhere and as a respected authority I respect your opinions I only have to look at professional work to realise I still have a way to go
Grazie wrote on 6/3/2003, 1:55 PM
Ho Mark, I really don't deserve the accolade, "...and as a respected authority . ." yeah?

I have much to learn, and from my colleagues who are learning too.

Best regards

Chienworks wrote on 6/3/2003, 2:56 PM
So, this is "stress test Kelly's internet connection" day, is it? ;)

*whew* only 20 hours since this video was posted and there have been 469 downloads already! That's about 1.85GB. Yikes. Add in about 150 downloads of other videos so far today as well as all the other usual activity on my server ... man it's a good thing i don't get charged by the byte!

Oh well, looks like she's weathering the load pretty well so far :)
mark2929 wrote on 6/3/2003, 3:11 PM
Hey Grazie need I say more!! RESPECT
SatanJr wrote on 6/3/2003, 3:37 PM
So bad, its good, had me laughing out loud.