
Rednroll wrote on 5/24/2003, 4:44 PM
Which ADAT do you have? The early black ADATS had to have the BRC to get SMPTE time code out of it. The newer ones have a SMPTE out jack. ADAT can sync with any smpte source to do your transfers. Or if you just have a single ADAT, you might just look into getting an Audio interface on your PC that has 8 inputs and run them all into Vegas at the same time. Another way to do it, is arm all the tracks on the ADAT prior to the start of the song and then clap your hands or hit a pair of drumsticks together, so you record something that is very short, with a transient that is recorded on ALL the ADAT tracks. Then just record all the tracks into VEGAS and then line up all the claps and you're back in sync on your PC.
lookin4air wrote on 5/24/2003, 11:22 PM
I'm using a single LX20 and the Korg 1212 audio card....which I'll try to hook up because it has 8 channel lightpipe in/out...(so no ground loop stuff going on) vegas can generate smpte or MTC ? I have a Mark of the Unicorn Midi Timepiece AV which can be the interface........sorry if this is an obvious question, but I just getting ready to pick up Vegas and trying to figure out the best way to hook it up.....
PipelineAudio wrote on 5/25/2003, 1:55 AM
Vegas can chase and generate MTC. I used to use it this way to run tracks from multiple Tascam DA-x8's into vegas, but rednroll's clapper method worked a lot better. At least in the early days. Back then you had to do some voodoo witchcraft keystrokes to keep vegas ( 1.0 ) from crashing when running in sync..its probably worlds better now, but I still say Clap it