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Subject:Sound Forge and Win2000
Posted by: 55trucker
Date:5/21/2003 8:29:07 AM

Hello there.......i hope that my question can be answered by a *Techie* at Sonic Foundry......problem is this........i've recently upgraded my op sys from win98 to win2000............(the audio drivers in Win2000 are much better than that of 98)......when i'm using Sound Forge in 2000, i'm always having troubles with the caption buttons for various functions......the most used buttons are those for normalizing, equalizer, and such.....these are of the *slider* type...what happens is...the movement is very coarse.......i cant get a fine precise action from such sliders...when trying to move the slider a small amount..the visual reaction is one of a lot!.....this problem is not present with the drivers in Win98........i've tried removing the program several times.....even had to dump the op sys (not for this problem).....and totally start fresh.but, to no avail........can anyone help me here?...would be appreciated...thx......

Subject:RE: Sound Forge and Win2000
Reply by: Sonic
Date:5/21/2003 10:14:37 AM

Try holding down the Control key while you drag the slider for finer adjustments. Also, any control that has focus will accept arrow keys, page-up/page-down, and home/end for adjustments.

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