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Subject:Problem recording a long track (with midi)
Posted by: BobMorris
Date:5/19/2003 11:20:14 AM

I've got a problem when trying to record a 7 min piece of music straight into Acid 4 pro. I've midi'd my keyboard up and have no problems with anything saved under 150 bars, on dead 200 bars and it struggles, so when it comes to my 237 bar song, acid locks up on saving, I'm not anywhere within a mile of running out of disk space on either my temp, or saving, and only had the drive for 2 weeks and it's not fragmented (tried it on an even bigger drive same thing happens). so can help me out to why this is happening? once I get the 7min part saved then I'm going to be adding extras in sample form but it's getting the main part in thats got me pulling my hair out. anyone got a solution? the other alternative is to grab it in SF6 but I can't for whatever reason get SF to trigger my Keyboard to start! Help if you can... thanks

Subject:RE: Problem recording a long track (with midi)
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:5/20/2003 1:41:08 PM

You recording a MIDI track or a digital audio track?

In any case, is anything else running in background? What if you tried recording in snippets rather than one long track? What if you enabled loop playback while recording?


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