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Subject:Route external FX device
Posted by: aress
Date:5/8/2003 12:46:00 PM

i have 24 in and outs now on acid running waves classic drivers.

anyone know a way to route the output of an outboard device back into acid in real time? i have the device fed thru two outputs of my audio card, and can see the signal going from the bus in acid to the device, but i cant figure out how to re route the output back to acid without re recording the external device.

you should be able to open a new track and take any input as a signal feed thru [like vegas] yeah, i know use vegas.... but acid lets me mix in a very different way than any other DAW...


Subject:RE: Route external FX device
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/8/2003 8:36:02 PM

No, ACID does not permit this.

There is one big issue with this: Rendering the final mix to a file.

Because the output to the external FX is real-time, the input back into ACID would also be in real-time. In order to render this to a final file, you would either have to commit (record) the return from the external FX to a track or render to a file in real-time, with everything playing. Either way, it would be a bit of a problem to solve.

It is something we will look at for 5.0.


Subject:RE: Route external FX device
Reply by: aress
Date:5/11/2003 6:37:36 PM

thanks, thats what i thought...

please think about groups and region lock in v5................

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