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Subject:Unable to open mp3 from Windows Explorer using
Posted by: sk
Date:5/8/2003 7:31:56 AM

The last question I asked regarding opening a file with Sound Forge was related to, but different than, this question. In that instance, I wanted to be able to double click a .wav file and have it open in Sound Forge. Here, I simply want to be able to use W2K's "open with" option, but still have the file (MP3) open with Winamp when I double click on it. For some reason, Sound Forge shows an error message: "The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." No other program that I choose the "Open With" option (right click/context menu option in W2K) causes such an error. (i.e. Winamp, Media Player, or UltraPlayer all allow their programs to open an MP3 with the "Open With" option without any problems or error messages.) Since I don't want to always use Sound Forge to open MP3s, the fix that was suggested the last time will not apply here. In that instance, I wanted the wav files to always open in/with Sound Forge. Here, I only want the "open with" option to work. So far, I have not yet been able to come up with the solution. However, when Sound Forge is already open, I can open an MP3 in Sound Forge using the standard "File/Open" route. The problem occurs only when trying to open an MP3 with the "open with" option inside Windows Explorer.


Subject:RE: Unable to open mp3 from Windows Explorer using
Reply by: MJhig
Date:5/8/2003 8:14:27 AM

In Windows Explorer, try right-click > Send to > Sound Forge.

If you don't have a SF entry in the Send to menu, find the "forge.exe" (SF 5, SF 6 may be a different name) and right-click on it > Create Shortcut, then place that shortcut in the "Send to" folder. In Win 98 it's C:\WINDOWS\SendTo.


Subject:RE: Unable to open mp3 from Windows Explorer using
Reply by: sk
Date:5/8/2003 8:27:00 AM

Hey, thanks, mjhig; that was cool. It worked! :-) And also "forced" me to learn something new. (i.e. How to create/manage "Send To" items. NOTE: In W2K, the "Send To" folder is not in the same place as in 98; it's in the "C:\Documents and Settings\"Specified User"\Send To" path). I guess it's just as easy to use as "Open With", although I'd still like to hear from SoFo regarding what's up with the faulty "Open With" function. But again, many thanks, mjhig. This at least provides a very decent workaround.


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