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Subject:Problems creation loop
Posted by: Kjellster
Date:5/8/2003 2:32:58 AM

So I am making a wedding video and I am scoring the intro with a keyboard I borrowed from a friend. This is a first for me and during this process of trying to create loops I have found the tutorials in Sound Forge to be less than helpful. I finally recorded the loop and adjusted the ends in the loop tool, but what do I do next to save it as a loop? How do I use the Acid tools? For some odd reason, once I saved it as a wave, the tempo is much faster when I open it in Acid. Even if I change the tempo it is wau too fast. How do I fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. - Kjellster

Subject:RE: Problems creation loop
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:5/8/2003 10:11:08 PM

Check out chapter 6, p. 213 of the full Sound Forge 6.0 manual. You might want to concentrate starting on the bottom of p. 220.

In addition to what's said in the manual, remember that the Edit Tempo tool is just a monitoring tool; it does not alter the file in any way but instead is there to help you gauge and tweak what will become a loop.

If you also happen to turn on the ACID Loop Creation Tools toolbar, note that the loop tempo that displays in the tempo field is overall based on a four beat selection.

That means if you make an 8 beat selection on a file that has an overall tempo of 120 BPM, the tempo field will read 60 BPM. Likewise, if you make a 2 beat selection, the tempo field will read 240 BPM.

Again, this is only because Sound Forge is assuming you're trying to make a four beat loop. Essentially, if your intention was to make a four beat loop out of the selection, then that's what the tempo should be to accurately reflect how you're hearing it in Sound Forge. (I hope I explained that clearly.)

In any case, are you using ACID Pro 3.0 or higher? ACID Pro 3.0 and ACID Pro 4.0 both have the ability to import a single video track in many formats, including AVI, MPEG-1 and 2 (you have to purchase the MPEG plug-in), Window Media, Real Media and QuickTime.

Also, you can sync any loops that you may have with the video track. (Note this may produce artifacts if the loop is too far stretched, especially if the tempo is brought down.)

If you also happen to have Sound Forge 6.0, you may want to check out Vegas 3.0 LE, which is free with 6.0.

If you need more help, you can email me.


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