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Subject:Ionizer 1.3 DX plugin on SF 6.e users ??
Posted by: kylen
Date:5/4/2003 6:55:30 PM

I'm hoping to find a few users out here on the Sound Forge forum. Even though the plugin is DX it will only do something in Sound Forge or Cool Edit Pro hosts. I believe Arboretum tested on SF 5 and CEP 1.x. It works fine for me on SF 6.e but not on the new CEP 2.1. I've got a post out there also on the Syntrillium website.

A difference between the Mac version and the DX version is that there is currently not a real-time or dynamic gain reduction indicator or meter on the PC version. I believe in the Mac version they had a 'mood meter' indication giving some type of real-time gain reduction info.

If there's enough of us out here requesting the feature then Arboretum might be more prone to consider it as a business case. I've already asked. As far as I know there is no Arboretum Ionizer formum - so I came over to the SF forum to be with you nice folks.

I'm using Ionizer for EQ morphing (using its 512 band EQ) and dynamics repair (multiband limiter with 512 bands - believe it or not). It takes some getting used to the User Interface but the machine is very transparent and I'm using it to repair badly broken dynamics, resonances and EQ's in mixes (that can't be re-mixed) with great success.

This is not a one-button solution, there are other things involved (like a good listening environment) so I don't want to mislead but I'm a beginning 'home mastering enthusiast' and I think this is a good tool for my tool kit (getting rather full now). I picked a copy up from for less than list but it's still kind of steep.

To put this all in perspective - ideally you want to record and mix-down things properly. But what if you haven't and there is no opportunity to re-record or re-mix...

So how 'bout it. Anyone successful with Ionizer on Sound Forge ? Anyone who's tried it and moved on ? What did you move on to and why, what did Ionizer do for you ?

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