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Subject:Need Chicago Area personal tutor.
Posted by: chicagohoney200
Date:4/19/2003 5:04:39 PM

I have Sound Forge 5.0 and I am working on a project. I have tried to find a school that would teach me how to use my soft ware but cannot find one.

Before upgrading I need to understand what's going on with what I already have.

I want to learn how to master my own CD's. I use Cakewalk to create. I am creating an album but it is to no avail if I can't properly Master it with the software that I have.

I need personal on hand help to gain a better understanding. I have had this software for 2 years now and I am very frustrated.

Please help if you can

signed chicagohoney 2000, (desperate to learn)

Subject:RE: Need Chicago Area personal tutor.
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/23/2003 8:09:00 PM

If you've a Borders or Barnes & Noble near you, pick up Sound Forge Power! by Scott Garrigus. There's some great stuff in there.


Subject:RE: Need Chicago Area personal tutor.
Reply by: Engineer
Date:4/24/2003 12:49:32 AM

There is a book quite comprohense that came out 2-3 years ago. I cant remember its title, as I gave it away 2 years ago.
If you ask Sonic Fountry, they will probibly know.

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