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Subject:Moving used Files to another Folder > Acid looses Information (BPM, Offset)
Posted by: jiggamir
Date:4/15/2003 5:12:12 PM

when i move a mp3 file that i use in my project to another folder and open my project i have to scan for the missing file. although it finds the file the information about pitch and offset etc. is lost.

how can i workaorund that and make acid remember the settings?
can i maybe "fix" the project files before opening them in notepad eg. and change the new path so acid doesnt even recognise that the files were moved?

thanx in advance

Subject:RE: Moving used Files to another Folder > Acid looses Information (BPM, Offset)
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/15/2003 11:19:34 PM

If you move such a media file to another folder, try moving its associated SFK file with it. (It should be in the same folder where the MP3 was.) I believe this file contains the info needed for pitch and offset.


Subject:RE: Moving used Files to another Folder > Acid looses Information (BPM, Offset)
Reply by: jiggamir
Date:4/18/2003 6:36:56 AM

it doesnt help.
first of all the media is set to "one shot" and it adepts the bpm of the project, so this didnt help me... this is making me real sad..

does it maybe have something to do with the fact that i have most of the sources in mp3 and not wav etc.?

Subject:RE: Moving used Files to another Folder > Acid looses Information (BPM, Offset)
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/18/2003 2:02:15 PM

If the file type is a One-shot, there is no ACIDization done to the file (like tempo or key information added for stretching); One-shots are taken at face value when they playback in a project.

Try changing the media type under the track's properties to "Beatmapped" or "Loop". (You'll need lots of RAM for long Loop tracks.)


Subject:RE: Moving used Files to another Folder > Acid looses Information (BPM, Offset)
Reply by: forlornsoul
Date:4/22/2003 6:23:40 PM

I have had projects to which I had moved the wav files (loops, one shots) to another location. When the project came up it couldn't find the loops/one shots. I had it search my hard drive and once it started locating some of the loops I let it go at that and once I did this to all my projects all played as before. Granted I am not massaging them that much within Acid. I am considering moving all the loops to a faster drive I just installed w/8Mb cache (80Gb Maxtor from Staples) and I am also probably finally going to move to that PC for all my music creations. That's basically what I built it last year for (1.33Ghz Athlon XP Pro, 1Gb memory) as well as my synth is hooked into that system. Once I move the loops I'll have to open all the projects and have it locate all the loops (a drive letter change is all that's taking place actually, same directory/sub-dir names).


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