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Subject:Best Way to Remove Echo/Reverb in a Recording
Posted by: combee
Date:4/14/2003 1:12:12 PM

I am interested in your opinions on how you would go about correcting some (though I realize it may not be possible to remove it entirely) of the echo in a voice recording. The sound was recorded on a mini disc recorder from some distance, so the voice has a bit of a "large room" echo. I have use the paragraphic EQ and the Track EQ settings, and it helps a little but there is still the persistent echo. Any help is much appreciated.

Subject:RE: Best Way to Remove Echo/Reverb in a Recording
Reply by: JJKizak
Date:4/14/2003 1:18:24 PM

If you find out let me know.


Subject:RE: Best Way to Remove Echo/Reverb in a Recording
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:4/14/2003 2:21:26 PM

You can try a noise gate to eliminate the quieter echo/reverb between the words, but the result may sound too unnatural and less appealing than leaving it in.

Of course, the best way to eliminate echos and reverb is to have the microphone placed as close to the speaker as possible while recording. Once it's been recorded, it's just about impossible to remove it.

Subject:RE: Best Way to Remove Echo/Reverb in a Recording
Reply by: musicvid10
Date:4/15/2003 12:00:28 AM

This gets asked almost as much as the "How do I remove vocals?" question.
Here is a technique that may give you some improvement (don't overdo it):

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