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Subject:General Acid questions
Posted by: kilwilly
Date:4/4/2003 7:05:01 PM


I am considering purchasing Acid 4.0, it looks like it would solve alot of problems for me. I have a few questions, so I'll get right to it.

1. Is it possible using acid to load several one shot drums (bass snare hi hat etc),
and trigger each one with my drum machine - so that my drum machine program would then be playing the sampled sounds ?

2. I'd be using Acid with a digital multitrack, with midi in and out.
Can I create a complete drum track in Acid, export it, then load it into the digital recorder so that the drum track still lines up to the measures of an internal tempo map in the recorder..i.e. could I still midi to the recorder for sequenced parts, and /or go back and record the drum tracks if the recorded version of the song changed.

Also, is there any difference in quality between exporting the acid drum track to cd and importing it into the recorder, as opposed to just syncing the two and taking the direct out of my sound card into the recorder ?


Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/5/2003 3:16:45 PM


1. You could program (i.e., arrange) the One-shots in ACID or you could also route the MIDI track out to your external gear for playback. (Is this an external hardware drum machine/sequencer?)

2. If you're talking about MIDI strictly, ACID does not exactly render out MIDI files (but can save as MIDI from within a MIDI track's properties). Again, you could also route the MIDI track out to your external gear for playback as I mentioned above.

It depends on the what you're using as a drum track. Since ACID 4.0 supports up to 24-bit/192 kHz digital audio, you could benefit by going direct to your recorder. (That would also mean this would be dependent on your soundcard's capability.) Standard CD audio is limited to only 16-bit/44.1 kHz audio.

MIDI is just data, so any benefit would be dependent on the hardware being used.


Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: kilwilly
Date:4/5/2003 4:52:19 PM

Thanks, Iacobus

First off, the digital recorder I have records at 16 bit. I assume if the sound card
is 16bit, 44.1kHz I should just go directly out.
Also, I assume I could trigger the recorder from acid via midi clock ( or vice versa)
so that the acid out put would sync to the recorder ( be on the measures) much as I would trigger a drum machine or synth from the recorder now ?

As for the drum triggering, I have a drum machine with fairly large pads that is easy to program with. I want to program drum patterns in the drum machine, but trigger the one shot sounds in acid. Would that be the same as triggering an external synth...set up by key numbers .....or what ?

You say acid doesn't render midi tracks. Do you mean it just outputs the audio results, but you can save the midi file for use with a sequencer ?
Does Acid allow importing already created midi tracks (from cakewalk)

Other than the drum machine triggering, what I'm basically wanting to be able to do is put a drum track from acid to the recorder, and if i decide later to alter the drum track, or add measures, be able to rerecord it from Acid to the recorder and have it be in sync with the audio tracks I've already recorded.

Thanks for the info

Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/5/2003 7:44:12 PM

>>1. Is it possible using acid to load several one shot drums (bass snare hi hat etc),
and trigger each one with my drum machine - so that my drum machine program would then be playing the sampled sounds ?

No. ACID cannot be used as an "instrument" or be triggered to play one-shots or loops via MIDI.

You should download the demo version. It is fully functionaly and you will be able to tell whether it will solve the needs you have.


Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: coolout
Date:4/6/2003 4:40:18 AM

yeah, what you need is a totally different type of app. one that emulates a hardware sampler.

my suggestions would be reason or orion. reason would probably be the best because the of the wealth of sounds that come with it. it has enough drum sounds to last for years and decent effects.

before the days of commercial sample libraries (up to the early 90's) i had to chop up drum sounds from records and mix them with drum machine sounds. for that type of stuff the sampler in orion is great. you can open a wav file and it will auto-chop and midi map the individual drum hits. which you can then trigger through midi. probably the best bang for the buck at about a third of reason's price.

Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/6/2003 9:03:22 PM

In addition to what Peter's already said, ACID does have MIDI sync capability. It can generate MTC and MIDI Clock and trigger via MTC. Note ACID usually likes to be the master for any sync situation.

Yes on both MIDI questions. (Saving a MIDI file for use in a sequencer and importing MIDI tracks created in something such as SONAR.)

You should be able to do that. Be sure to pick up the demo to see if that works for you.


Subject:RE: General Acid questions
Reply by: Gordian
Date:4/10/2003 5:08:20 AM

Yes I also think you need a software sampler like for example Native Instruments Battery or Kontakt.

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