Pan/crop keyframe selecting (bug?)

Luxo wrote on 4/9/2003, 12:14 AM
I've noticed that with Vegas 4, upon entering the Pan/Crop tool of a clip that has already been given pan/crop keyframes, you have to click in the keyframe area twice in order to move keyframes left and right. The first time you click, it gives you a marquee to select several keyframes at once, even if you click directly on a keyframe.

It's a small deal, but it annoys me and my co-workers to no end. Is there a way to make these keyframes behave the same as effect keyframes? If I want to select multiple keyframes I'll just shift-click.



Grazie wrote on 4/9/2003, 2:19 AM
How many and where?
Luxo wrote on 4/9/2003, 2:22 PM
What do you mean -- it doesn't matter how many keyframes, and I'm talking about in the pan/crop tool. But keyframes in track motion exhibit the same behavior.
SonyIMC wrote on 4/9/2003, 2:41 PM
gotcha, bug. I'm adding it to the database.


Ivan Calderon
Vegas SQA
Grazie wrote on 4/9/2003, 3:02 PM
Luxo - Seems like you found one.

Luxo wrote on 4/9/2003, 3:35 PM
Rock on. Thanks Ivan.