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Subject:Problems with pitch filter in any audio over 4 minutes?
Posted by: chuckfresh
Date:4/1/2003 8:13:55 PM

I've got some really strange stuff happening here... using an Edirol UA-700 external USB sound card with Win XP SP1 and SF6.0e.

Whenever I pitch-shift a file over 4 minutes (-2.0 semitones, keeping original length, using fast voice preset), anything over 4 minutes becomes fast and garbled with dropouts and nasty clicks. I've found if I cut the file to individual segments under 4 minutes before processing (and process the remaining files separately), this does not occur. I've also found that the SF Direct X Pitch plugin works fine with files of any length in Cool Edit Pro.

Any ideas out there? Thx!

Subject:RE: Problems with pitch filter in any audio over 4 minutes?
Reply by: chuckfresh
Date:4/9/2003 10:11:34 AM

Seven days, no replies. Going to Protools!

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