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Subject:switched back to amd and its all good again.
Posted by: suprox
Date:4/4/2003 7:56:10 PM

Just gettin on to let everyone know that I have solved the many issues that I had before. Im back to amd processor and everything is super smooth again. athlon Xp2500 on a7n8x. I read all over the place that the p4 fails to cut the bill and when It comes to real time sound apps its sometimes outperformed by the p3. All tests and benchmarks aside though. I got an amd and everything is fast once again, for anyone who may care. good day.

Subject:RE: switched back to amd and its all good again.
Reply by: liquid
Date:4/5/2003 10:06:03 AM too..I reached this conclusion many months ago and did a post and was practically booed out of the forum. I don't care what anyone says because the problem was my p4, now I have dual amd's and I have zero my lips...ZEROOOOO PROBLEMSSSS....don't get pentiums....they suck bytes....ciao

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