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Subject:Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Posted by: jimmyg
Date:3/29/2003 9:18:26 PM

How can I mix together a spoken voice clip over a music clip that starts fairly loud and then fades out into silence? How can I also control the time it takes for the music to fade out completely?



Subject:RE: Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:3/29/2003 10:39:46 PM

You'll have the voice recording on one track and the music on another. If necessary, Ttim the end of the music track to the point where you want the music to end by dragging the end of the clip to the left. Fade the music by dragging the top corner of the clip to the left (the mouse pointer will look like a quarter circle with a two-headed arrow). The farther you drag the corner back, the longer the fade will be. You'll see the faded section of the track in a darker color with a "fade graph" line drawn on it. If you right-mouse-button click on the faded section you'll be able to choose a different fade type, just in case you want the fade to start out quickly and then slow down, or start slowly and then speed up.

Subject:RE: Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Reply by: Engineer
Date:3/29/2003 10:44:04 PM

First place voice on screen. From edit select all, then select copy.
Next place music on screen. edit to length place fades in music.
From Edit pull down select paste special/mix. In right hand slider set to approx -6.
If the mix is not quite right, reset the lot and try again. there are a lot of settings to get it right, the above is just a feel for the lot.

Subject:RE: Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:3/30/2003 8:45:38 AM

Argggg. I must have been asleep last night. Sorry, i thought i was responding in the Vegas forum. My answer would work fine there, but not at all in SoundForge. Oops.

Subject:RE: Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Reply by: jimmyg
Date:3/30/2003 8:01:02 PM

Thanks for the tip Engineer.

Subject:RE: Recording Voice over Music and Fading the Music Out
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:4/1/2003 6:53:47 AM

You really need a multitrack like Vegas instead of a 2 track like Forge. I mean if you want any flexibility to remix or change your mind later...trying this in Forge would be a huge pain.

Cuzin B

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