
Former user wrote on 3/26/2003, 2:04 PM
VideoFactory is great for the home movie hobbyist. It offers enough flexibility to be creative, but the learning curve is less than Vegas. It offers two video tracks and 3 stereo audio tracks. Usually more than enough for home movie type editing.

And it is cheap. $69 US or less.

Dave T2
Beorn wrote on 3/26/2003, 2:33 PM
Thanks, that's about all I wanted to know, how many tracks you could edit. The price isn't half bad, either.

DGrob wrote on 3/26/2003, 6:59 PM
The hard part will be keeping him away from your system after the learning curve flattens out. Been there with VF, had a great time and found the experience made the transition to V3 very easy indeed. Grob
CERTEGY wrote on 3/27/2003, 7:41 AM
Actually I've seen the price for VideoFactory in my area for $49.00. Check out your local Circuit City or CompUSA. SoFo has not been responding lately about if there will be a newer version than 2.0. Good Luck!
bansl wrote on 3/27/2003, 9:34 AM
..or even try, I just ordered it there yesterday for $29.99 + $6 S&H and no sales tax.