Subject:ACID 4 & Reason won't share
Posted by: dbrooksmusic
Date:3/20/2003 11:07:32 PM
I'm trying to set up my RME Multiface so that Reason & ACID can run together on different audio outputs, but both freeze. Anyone have ideas how to remedy? laptop/Win XP/P3/PC card HDSP/Multiface |
Subject:RE: ACID 4 & Reason won't share
Reply by: RasKeita
Date:3/21/2003 11:46:11 AM
Here's two tricks a few of us used a couple years back, Can't say for sure if it still works as I haven't been using it lately, but it did work. 1)Use ACID as the master, and send MIDI Clock out through SFVMR Channel 1. Set Reason to receive MIDI Clock on SFVMR Channel 1, click the sync-enable button in Reason and you should be good to go. 2)first up you need to decide how you are gonna connect the two programs. you can use the midi on your soundcard, routed back into itself(which is kinded dumb, but it works), or you can install the hubis loopback device that came with reason. i would recommend this one since it makes more sense. read the instructions on how to do the install as it is not a .exe file but rather an add/remove program thingy(you understand when you read the hlp file). another tip, install all of the ports, as it seems to not affect the performance in anyway. once you got hubi up and running, bust open acid, and go to the preferences dialog box under options, and click the sync tab. under the "generate midi clock settings" select LB1 or which ever port you chose (make sure its the port you select in reason). i haven't messed with the advance tab so i'm not sure what difference it makes but for clarity mine is set to have the first box not checked(send start instead...), and the second radial button(on start and stop...). Make sure to click apply so the changes happen, and restar acid if you think that might help. next open reason(leaving acid open or minimized) and open the preferences dialog under the edit menu. go the the advanced midi page and set the midi clock sync to LB1(or whatever port you chose in acid). heres the fun(and for me was the confusing/hard) part to get going. maximize acid and right click on the time display and chose midi clock out, as well as generate midi clock(shift+F7). this tells acid to send the midi clock messages out of hubis loopback port 1. but what the heck, reason isn't doing anything at all??!!??@#$%. this is what happened to me at first and it took me a few minutes to figure out why(and it'll probably be apparent to most of you, forgive me i'm dense). maximize reason, and do one of two things. either look at the transport controls for a button labeled midi sync enable(left hand side of the tranport)and click it, or click the options menu and select midi clock sync. when you do this reason's tempo should go to zero-zero, since it is now going to recieve it's tempo from acid. when you press play in acid, reason will begin to "chase" acid and play back simultaneously. one word of warning! if your track begins right and 1.1.000(the absolute beginning, the programs will hicup, as the two have some lag against each other. this is unavoidable, and is suggested in the manual to add a two measure space in both acid and reason, so the hicup is avoided and both songs start at measure two. |