London UK Chapter of Vegas Users - MET!

Grazie wrote on 3/6/2003, 11:29 PM
Hi Guys! It's now 5:00am in London.

Pike_bishop, Supercoach [ now I know where that "handle" comes from! ] and I met last night at the NFT. 2 hours of wall-to-wall chat 'bout Vegas4. Much praising of the package. Total converts here!

Organising this meet would not have been possible without this Forum!

We spoke of:

1 - Keyframing and the uses of it
2 - What veggies can do.
3 - Track motion and Track layers
4 - The scopes
5 - Colour correction and its application
6 - DVDA and it being a cinche!
7 - Bins and things!
8 - Can we create Bins directly from within Trimmer?
9 - Audio and audio mixing - And shotgun nics
10 - What business were we all in?
11 - How we use V4 and what we see we could use it for
12 - The value of supporting SoFo by registering
13 - How we could get a "user/trainer" involved - maybe in a type of : "Sunday Brunch with Vegas" type of thing!
14 - Who's beer round was it next? Who was going to the bar?
15 - Oh, did I say we thought V4 was excellent?!
16 - How often we intend to meet - maybe month to 6 weeks
17 - Praised all of you who give us support here on the Forum/s - Marty, Chienworks, BB, JR and others too!
18 - Praised SoFo Customer Support
19 - Praised SoFo in general
20 - Oh, did I say we thought V4 was amazing?!
21 - How SoFo/V4 could get a presence in the UK?
22 - Praised individuals here on the Forum/s - THANKS GUYS 'n GALS!
23 - I gave an inpromtu Tutorial on Track Motion and making many video clips appear in a single Frame
24 - The use of the "F"rame Tool in Pan/Crop
25 - Can we "draw" velocity envelopes? As in other packages

PHEW! - Hey guys, if I missed anything out - apologies. But add it to the list - yeah?

I'm going to visit a guy today who has just written a review in the Institute od Videographers monthly magazine FOCUS, on Vegas.

Lots to discuss and share,

Thanks people for putting up with me so far - Oh did I say I think Veags is Brilliant?

It's now 5:15am London Time - 2nd Cuppa of coffee . . .

NOW let's get busy with "SoFo Meet No.2"!!!

Who's coming to that?




pike_bishop wrote on 3/7/2003, 5:00 AM

It was good to meet up with a couple of other Vegas users and have a chat. Cheers for the zoom tip, I tried it out when I got home and it worked, I knew there must have been easy way. It's what makes Vegas such a great package, things are so easy to do in it.

It would be good to meet up again, see how other people use Vegas and share a few tips. Hope the meeting with cheema goes well.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/7/2003, 8:15 AM
Sounds like you guys had both a fun and a productive time. Hey if you’re gonna talk about us, then me, Marty, Chienworks, & BB had better get our butts on a plane and cross the big pond next time so we can defend ourselves. ;-) I think Chienworks is here in New York State with me so we could fly together.

Seriously, I attend a conference that’s held in Edinburgh sometimes. I was just there this past July and the haggis and blood pudding were awesome. You guys really know how to eat a hearty breakfast. Next time I’ll have to arrange an extended stay at Heathrow and call an emergency session of the UK Vegas users group. Hey, perhaps we should start one in NY?

pike_bishop wrote on 3/7/2003, 8:39 AM

If you ever do get to London my offer of a beer still stands (see: )
MarkWWW wrote on 3/7/2003, 11:45 AM
> 21 - How SoFo/V4 could get a presence in the UK?

On this topic, I noticed that they are at last trying to raise awareness of Vegas in the UK - there is a full page advert for Vegas in the current (April 2003) issue of Computer Video magazine, the first time I can ever recall seeing an advert for any of SoFo's products in the UK.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/7/2003, 2:43 PM

You're on! Definitely will do. :)

MaxH wrote on 3/7/2003, 5:24 PM
I still don't know where that 'handle' comes from....
Many thanks for the initiative it was really worth while. It was also great to meet Martin and I learnt a lot in a short time; let's keep it going.
Be good to see if Cheema can make it next time and if any of you guys( from over there) are visiting London and need some hospitality just let me know.
Ps. Did I say we thought V4 is amazing?
Zulqar-Cheema wrote on 3/7/2003, 5:28 PM
Cheema is alive and well and living in Essex, still.
MaxH wrote on 3/7/2003, 5:53 PM
Hope to see you at the next meet. Could we get Richard over?
Grazie wrote on 3/7/2003, 5:59 PM
IT's TRUE! Yeah I know this, 'cos I visited him today!

We spent most of the afternoon exploring SOMETHING of what V4 can do - Cheema is an excellent teacher . . . I "ooed" and "Ah-AH" - Cheema showed me how to "fill" a letters with video and have them appear on another backgound; A-B Roll editing - neat the way the "cut" video is cross-hatched; some more shortcuts; "Parent and Child" organisation; creating Shuttle Pro changes - I can now create a region by "scrubbing"; linking "upper" and "lower" streams for trannies and placing "clip name" identifiers on the actual clip WHILE in the t/l.

What this does prove to me is that I reeeallly need to get my head round the manual and spend more time exploring and sharing with y'll what I've found.

In priciple, we discussed the possibility of a type of "Share 'n Compare" teach-in, as being a go-er. We would need something centrally located - maybe someone's house or office for a session - yeah? Those with schlaptops could bring them etc etc - yeah?

I tell you what! If anybody has got some teaching aids we could try out here in London it would be good! Perhaps we could arrange for this to happen in 6 weeks time - dunno? Any thoughts people?

Anyways - A big thank you to Cheema from me - THANK YOU!

And thanks to Max and Martin for the kind words. It wouldn't have been anything without yous being there - yeah?

Oh did I mention that I thought V4 is amazing?

Cheema - Who or What robot won Robot wars? I got back to Wembley too late.



MaxH wrote on 3/8/2003, 2:54 AM
'We would need something centrally located - maybe someone's house or office for a session - yeah? Those with schlaptops could bring them etc etc'

My office is perfect Grazie.
In Battersea, yards(oops, I mean metres) away from a station, parking, lots of space...let's do it!
Grazie wrote on 3/8/2003, 3:15 AM
ALL RITE! - Brill Max!

Could we do this on a Sunday? Might be fav with those needing to keep the day job - yeah?

Ooooh - I feel a Campaign coming on, don't you Max?

"Get Better in Battersea! Vegas Users do it on the River"

"Go to the MAX - Vegas lands in SW LONDON!"

"Don't be Vague! Vegas shines through!"

"London Calling all Veggies!"

and so on and so on . . .

Thanks Max,

MaxH wrote on 3/8/2003, 4:44 AM
Sunday is perfect. At a push I could even arrange some roast beef, yorkshires and the best roast potatoes in the entire world and beyond (even if I do say so myself).
All we need to do is to set a date. I am away from Sunday for a week so I won't respond until I return.
Grazie wrote on 3/8/2003, 5:11 AM
Mmmmhhh . . Max, you may have seduced some of our Colonial Cousins to attend!

Let's say . . . errrr . . . April 6th or April 13th?

Max, in the meantime I'll do some more canveyssing here and eleshwere to get say, 4 - 10 people? How many could you cope with? Any particualr "House Rules"?

MaxH wrote on 3/8/2003, 1:51 PM
4 to 8 would be perfect on either of the dates. No particular house rules.
Grazie wrote on 3/8/2003, 2:28 PM
That's Brill Max!

I'm needing to get in contact with ZCheema first to see if he can make it on either of those dates.

I won't have a way of contacting you from tomorrow for a week, yes? So, I'll take it from your message that either 6 or 13 April is okay dokey.



ps I've edited the title of post - enough already!
MaxH wrote on 3/8/2003, 4:41 PM
6th or 13th is fine.
Have a great week.