Help! Losing audio in Print to Tape Function

Curtsong wrote on 2/27/2003, 6:20 PM
I'm trying to solve an audio issue. I've captured DV with my VV3 and have edited the audio in Sound Forge. (boosting levels and mixing to both R/L channels. When I print to tape either from Capture 3.0 or from the timeline, audio is not sent to my camera. I'm using Firewire. Video is good, but, I don't get any audio on the tape. What am I missing. This is the first time I have had this problem. I've edited video befor and have printed to tape several times now. I've even rebooted my machine a few times as well. Your suggestions to resolve this issue are appreciated. I'm trying to meet a deadliine and am pressed for time.

Thank you.


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