
KenM wrote on 2/24/2003, 2:49 PM
Have you got ansnwer on this question? I am picking my new Panasonic DVX100 up this week and new a NLE which works.
rextilleon wrote on 2/24/2003, 3:37 PM
nope---not yet--hopefully in the next release---other then that, at this point, I don't know of any NLE that supports it. Most people run their files through DVfilmaker first and have had very good success---and it isn't very expensive:
Bill Ravens wrote on 2/25/2003, 8:53 AM
yep...go with DVfilmaker.
k1j wrote on 2/25/2003, 9:09 AM
You Can Use Blade 2 from In-Sync as your 24p NLE.
Vegas 4 does not support 24P.
Nat wrote on 2/25/2003, 11:26 AM

Wake up.
Vegas does support 24P
It will support any framerate you give it.
Just convert your footage with DVfilmmaker, it will remove the extra frames and you'll then be able to edit at 24p.
SonyDennis wrote on 2/26/2003, 12:53 PM

Vegas has always supported 24p, but there is currenly no native support for the Panasonic DVX-100.

You can convert the footage using something like DVFilm, or just edit your 24p in 60i mode if all you're looking for is film cadance on video.

dvdmike wrote on 2/26/2003, 4:56 PM
What codec do you have to edit in? QT?
Paul_Holmes wrote on 2/26/2003, 5:18 PM
See this post for the ins and outs of editing with the DVX100 and DVFilmMaker.

Sounds like you capture footage from DVX100 with V3 or V4, render as quicktime movie, process with dvfilmmaker, then bring back into Vegas.