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Subject:Underwater sounds
Posted by: Flybnj
Date:2/12/2003 9:47:25 PM

My friend and I are Pioneering a project of creating some animated characters and the set is under the water. I have been brainstorming about the sound and, well, how it should sound!!! Is there a way in Sound Forge to manipulate wavs to sound like they are under water? Would the Accustical Mirror have any way of doing that? Does any one here have any experiance in this kind of stuff? Any ideas at all? I would love to hear from you brainiacs out there on this one. I have been folling this forum for about 2 months now and am quite impressed with the knowledge some of you have. Keep it up!! Thanks.


Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: Flybnj
Date:2/13/2003 9:19:41 AM

Dont want to dissapear to the bottom of the list. :)

Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: PAW
Date:2/13/2003 3:01:06 PM

I have just purchased Sound Forge and acoustic mirror certainly has the capability although you may have to create the impulse yourself.

You can download the demo and sample impulses to get a feel for it's capability I am just scratching the surface.

Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: Flybnj
Date:2/13/2003 3:50:31 PM

Yes I have the Accustical mirror plug-in, and love it. IT is really cool, but all i have preset on it are buildings and open air type places. I have yet to figure out how to make my own adjustents. Any suggestions in this area would be great. Or even a link for a tutorial, as i have not been able to find one yet.

Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: bnjenter
Date:2/13/2003 4:38:13 PM

Take a look at this site.
The Filter Designers are what you want to look at. Not for the faint-hearted though.

Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: drbam
Date:2/13/2003 4:50:42 PM

Try experimenting with recording your own "water sounds." Put a good mic (stereo would be best) close to a tub or sink full of water and move the water around some with your hands or other objects. Get a variety of sounds (samples) and experiment with some radical processing (pitching, chorus, long verbs, etc). Ideally this should be done on a multitrack app like Vegas so you can have several tracks to work with. Good luck. ;-)


Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: rraud
Date:2/13/2003 6:23:21 PM

To make "above water" sound like "under water", slow down via tape speed, pitch shift or change sampling rate playback.

Subject:RE: Underwater sounds
Reply by: Flybnj
Date:2/13/2003 9:29:22 PM

Thanks for all the input. I guess this is a rather hard topic. What I was really hoping for something similar to the acustical mirror, something that i could just load and then apply after making adjustments to. Oh well. Maybe someone with more know how than I, will see this thread and create a plug-in that will do just that. And maybe they will be kind and make it available for the rest of us at a resonable price.


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