
SonyEPM wrote on 2/11/2003, 9:49 AM
Frameserving is not possible from Vegas.
mikkie wrote on 2/11/2003, 9:52 AM
You can frameserve to it using vfapi with the readavs.dll if that helps -> just use Vegas for the final render.
Blackout wrote on 2/11/2003, 1:53 PM
The main reason to frameserve with vegas would be to be able to use an external standalone mpeg2 convertor instead of the Vegas one...for instance i would like to be able to use TMPGenc for my final mpeg2 creation....without having to make a giant avi first in Vegas, which often is too big to fit on a hard drive easily.

I remember SoFo asking exactly what we "want" out of frameserving a while back, so to remove any confusion, what I think most would like is to be able to save a small "key" avi file with Vegas which can then be loaded up in TMPGEnc or other encoders. The avi file would only be tiny and automatically point to the original large files, flowing thru the Vegas process. This is essentially what frameserving is. Take a look at how VirtualDub does it....saves having to ever make a giant avi file...a big factor for most of us with only so much hard drive space.

Grazie wrote on 2/11/2003, 2:14 PM
What is frameserve?

CraigF wrote on 2/11/2003, 2:33 PM
Are you saying that TMPGEnc is a better encoder than the MainConcept encoder? Interesting. I use TMPGEnc and VideoFactory 2.0. I would love to use the built-in encoder (MainConcept), and is in my "Pro" list on whether to upgrade to V4 or not.

If TMPGEnc is better, you may have helped make up my mind...

Jamz wrote on 2/11/2003, 2:49 PM
I was never knocked over with TMPGEnc. It's slooooow. I feel the quality of Main concept is better. The only other encoder that I was real impressed with was canopus' procoder but that doesn't plug in. For most people, Main concept will do the trick. It's fast & has excellent quality.
mikkie wrote on 2/11/2003, 4:59 PM
FWIW: IMO the Ligos stuff that ulead used was the fastest and did well at lower bit rates. TMPGEnc does do well, but you've got some tradeoffs. I think MainConcept does good work, and it's integrated so everything moves much faster, but you might have to do a bit of fiddling, not just use the templates, to get what you're after.
DDogg wrote on 2/12/2003, 1:55 PM
I work a lot with encoding NTSC interlaced DV to mpg, specifically SVCD. After a somewhat exhaustive series of tests using every available encoder (CCE, TMPG,etc), I feel I could testify that while the internal MC mpeg encoder is quite good, IMHO, nothing, and I mean nothing, can touch the Canopus ProCorder for DV to Mpeg conversion.

Just one man's opinion, but I think anybody that tries a test encode with ProCorder using interlaced NTSC DV source will see the difference very easily.

To tie back in to this topic, having the ability to frameserve to the encoder of your choice would be an incredible added value to this fine program and would additional set it off agaist its competition. I feel relatively sure the Vegas 'coders could get any help they needed from the Virtual Dub author or some of the guys doing the new avisynth 2.5 project on Soundforge.