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Subject:Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Posted by: suprox
Date:2/10/2003 9:47:43 PM

Im experiencing a weird problem. For some reason when playing back my file; acid studders and chokes up and CPU goes to 0%. But when same file is opened along with all the wavs from a diffrent hardrive the problem goes away. Why is that?

file open from F: ( non boot drive ) = studdering and poor performance.
file open from C: ( boot drive ) = studdering is gone.

Can anyone tell me why this is.?

Subject:RE: Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Reply by: Gordian
Date:2/11/2003 5:03:08 AM

Do you have DMA enabled for drive F?

Subject:RE: Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Reply by: suprox
Date:2/11/2003 11:29:15 PM

It appears to be enabled in the bios. I also checked benchmarks in sandra and the drive works at ata100 which should be plenty fast.

Subject:RE: Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/12/2003 8:55:08 AM

Couple ideas:

Is the drive fragmented? (What operating system are you using?)

Is drive F a 5400 RPM or 7200 model? 7200 RPM models typically perform better than 5200 RPM models.


Subject:RE: Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Reply by: suprox
Date:2/19/2003 1:52:20 AM

Drive is 7200rpm. Im transfering all info onto new drive and reinstalling and reformating windows.

Subject:RE: Playback studer problems. = Harddrive related.
Reply by: pwppch
Date:2/19/2003 10:19:58 PM

These are physically different drives vs just partitions on a larger single drive?

Are they on the same or different IDE controllers?

Windows version?


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