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Subject:Networking 3 PC's via Firewire?
Posted by: buckaroo
Date:2/10/2003 4:54:02 AM

Hi there

Can anybody tell me how i go about linking 3 PC's via Firewire cables so i can swap files / share internet?

I have:
1.P4 2.4Ghz XP home (with Firewire)
2.P4 1.5 XP Pro (With Firewire & Internet)
3.P2 350Mhz W98SE (with nothing!)

Is it easy to connect these up via Firewire (I need a card for w98SE i know) or is it easier via Standard Network Cards?

I have the 2 PC's with Firewire connected by a cable and something seems to have connected??!! How do i go about setting up a network connection for each so they can all communicate!!!

Please help!!

Subject:RE: Networking 3 PC's via Firewire?
Reply by: ATP
Date:2/10/2003 7:31:06 AM

i think you've come to the totally wrong message board for these kind of questions, but i have never heard of using Firewire to connect several PC's on a network. i can only tell you that 10/100 mbit PCI network cards and UTP cables will definitely do the trick.

i don't feel like going into a lecture on how to actually share internet over several pc's etc etc. this is a board for SF products, not network related support. perhaps you can find a message board that does deal with those kind of things.

good luck.

Subject:RE: Networking 3 PC's via Firewire?
Reply by: Polaris20
Date:2/10/2003 8:46:32 AM

It's technically possible, but it's kinda stupid, and much easier and cheaper to just use regular 10/100 Ethernet.

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