Missing features

samundsen wrote on 2/8/2003, 10:51 AM
IMO there are two important features that are missing in DVD Architect. One is the navigation control (play next title vs. return to menu) as mentioned in other posts on the forum. Rendering everything in one big file is not an option for me, and it really shouldn't be necessary going through such a time-consuming workaround for something as simple as this.

The other one is the ability to NOT create a menu, and only have the video on the DVD.

I can control both of these with Ulead DVD Workshop, and though I like DVDA in general, my use of it will be very limited without these two features.



JakeHannam wrote on 2/8/2003, 11:36 AM
I agree. Good first stab SOFO but please add these features.

I am also concerned about the reports of problems with Pioneer AO3, A04, and A05 DVD writers.

Will not buy until these issues are addressed. Thanks.
SonyTony wrote on 2/8/2003, 4:05 PM
You can actually create a video-only DVD (one without a menu). All you have to do is go to the "File / New..." menu, and choose the "Single Movie" option.
samundsen wrote on 2/8/2003, 8:23 PM
Wow, thanks! Now, if you have a navigation control feature in there somewhere I'll be a happy camper!

Jamz wrote on 2/9/2003, 1:19 AM

What problems did you hear about with the Pioneer drives? I was testing DVD Architect using the A04 & A05 and experienced no issues. Let me know since you have me curious.
JakeHannam wrote on 2/10/2003, 4:11 PM

I have not bought the full version because of the problems others have mentioned with the Pioneer AO drives. See the thread on this forum (16 entries):

Alas ... DVD-A Is Burning Coasters:-)

This will answer your question.