Pratical but sad question

GrooveRider wrote on 2/7/2003, 12:11 PM
The problems I had running Vegas 4 have now been sorting out, and I'm seriously thinking about purchasing.

But my question is whether it's worth waiting until the end of the month, by which time we'll hopefully know the fate of Sonic Foundry. What'd u reckon? I don't want to be negative - and really hope they pull through - but I'm reluctant to invest in a product they may no longer be supported. Interestingly, though, the offers do run through March 15th.



PAW wrote on 2/7/2003, 12:50 PM

buy it - VV will be here for a long time no matter what happens
MyST wrote on 2/7/2003, 12:54 PM
"The worldwide response to the public betas last month far surpassed our initial expectations. Vegas now ranks among the very top requested products from our Web site," said Sonic Foundry's Brad Reinke, senior vice president and general manager of software. "This heightened amount of activity is a testament to the widespread following Vegas has garnered during the past year from production professionals and the industry at large, and speaks well to the future of this powerful upgrade."

Quote from the COMPANY-NEWS section of this website.

Feel more confident about buying now?? :)


GrooveRider wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:04 PM
To a certain extent, MyST, but I have to say, that quote is standard corporate BS. In fact, I wouldn't expect them to say anything other than that.

JJKizak wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:05 PM
I'm confident,I bought most of their products and a very large chunk
of sofo stock. People in financial circles would label me "mentally challanged".
I hope they are wrong.

GrooveRider wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:08 PM
Well, the products I can understand - they're all very cool. Not sure it was so wise investing in the stock though...

JJKizak wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:12 PM
In the words of one of America'a most illustrious orators, "I thought it
was the right thing to do at the time".

MyST wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:22 PM
Well then, there isn't much I can say that will put your mind at ease.
Except maybe a couple things...
If I can come up with the $$, I'm buying faster than you can say "render as"!!! And I'm a hobbyist with a very limited budget for "toys". However, I look at it differently than you. If the worst happens(and we all hope it doesn't), I will have been able to get my copy before it was too late. It's already a solid, stable product.
Also, Vegas 4 is one of the most powerful, easy to use audio/video apps on the market. I don't get to work with it nearly as much as I'd like, but when I do, it's SO easy to use. Everything is logically laid out, I start working and I can easily find my way around.
NOTHING comes close at this price range. Period.

MyST wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:25 PM
Hey, JJK...Did you just change your usermane as I was posting?!?
Please don't tell me I'm already going senile! :)

JJKizak wrote on 2/7/2003, 1:48 PM
Yes, and I too love Vegas 4 and I don't even have it yet. Still on VV-3.
Paul_Holmes wrote on 2/7/2003, 2:25 PM
An excellant point was made about buying it anyways. It's already a stable product and if the company went out of business you might end up feeling like an idiot for not grabbing the best DV NLE while you could. That's the way I'd feel about it, but I'm totally confident there will be a Vegas 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and eventually, as we all know, Vegas will take over the world!
Jamz wrote on 2/7/2003, 2:56 PM
In the early days of DVD authoring there was a company called Daiken. They made reel DVD. Sonic solutions gobbled them up along with nearly everything dealing with any aspect of DVD creations. This happened a couple of years ago. Sure it was scary wondering if sonic solutions would ruin Reel DVD & Scenarist but here it is a few updates later & Reel DVD and scenarist still exist. So things might look bad now but Sofo has an excellent product line & I'm sure it will continue. You just don't scrap a product as good as vegas along with all their audio products (I have enough of them).
bjtap wrote on 2/7/2003, 3:12 PM
I feel two points are worth considering here:
1) Will it make any difference to SoFo if some wait until after the end of the month to upgrade, especially in light of the March 15 deadline for updating? Is the next financial report somehow related to this deadline? Is what they sell off somehow related to this deadline?

2)I can see some concern even though VV is a marvelous and stable product. That concern is if SoFo were to go are we guaranteed that we will be able to have a clean registration of the product that does not rely on us having to contact SoFo? Reinstallation with no problems that is.

Having said this.. I will be updating because like so many here I believe their products will get them through. Fingers and toes crossed.
fdooman wrote on 2/7/2003, 3:18 PM
Vegas it is the best editing product I ever seen. I tell you my friend as soon as product was available I was right on it. I got the Vegas Video 4.0+DVD and I love it. We always have to think positive and support the product and the company we love, I’m an end user like you and I’m positively sure they will surprise the industry. Get your copy today and count on them. Good luck to you and Sonic Foundry.
rextilleon wrote on 2/7/2003, 3:28 PM
In the next two weeks they should be making an announcement---at least that's what the genius CEO said about a month and a half ago----There are many possibilites---so that conjecture really isn't fruitful---I just bought the update to 4.0 plus DVD.

As far as the guy who bought stock goes---How does it feel to invest in a company with a fanatastic development team but with executives who have no clue. I have mentioned before that the current CEO has borrowed a tidy sum from his brother (or brother-in-law)as a bridge loan (obviously the banks or private investors wont give it to him) at an outrageous interest rate (60%)! A company in deep financial straights pays the CEO's family member loan shark rates. He has pledged the assets of the company (and he claims they are considerable) to his brother to guarantee the loan.

As a stock holder (albeit a small one) and a customer this pisses me off to know end. He obviously has created a board that merely rubber stamps his policies and rewards gross imcompetence. Part of me would love to see Vegas and the development team go elsewhere where it and they can get the kind of support they deserve in terms of marketing dollars and development capital.

Anyhow, my two cents.

JJKizak wrote on 2/7/2003, 4:15 PM
The bridge loan is like owning a boat---money down the drain. I thought
about sending a letter to Warren Buffet about a company in need of his
monetary expertise, but there is that none interference doctrine again.
(I have enough problems managing my finances).I read an article about these
loans whereas the loanholders short the stock on purpose in order to obtain
more stock to have a bigger piece of the action. And if anyone follows the
bid-ask prices on a daily basis some bids are 100% lower with no justification.
These vultures will say its just "business". I just hope for the best and that
they get a good deal and continue to create incredable software. Maybe someone
like Bill Gates will give them 150 million (like APPLE) just to preserve the
cache of SOFO programmers.