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Subject:extracting cd audio with Win2K
Posted by: Bozzoli
Date:1/31/2003 11:28:20 PM

Can someone please tell me why you need administrator priveleges to extract audio with Sound Forge on a Win2K machine? This seems like a major oversight in programming. I have several non-linear editors which each have several users that all use Sound Forge and need to be able to extract audio. It seems to me that requiring administrator priveleges for this defeats the purpose of having a secure operating system with user accounts. The last thing I want to do is give all of the users administrator priveleges. Meanwhile, one of the primary features that I purchased Sound Forge for is useless if I don't. I don't get it.

Subject:RE: extracting cd audio with Win2K
Reply by: inspector
Date:2/3/2003 9:54:27 AM


You should be able to create a User Group for those users and and add the group to
the Sound Forge executable on security tab. Click on the advanced tab then select the group and click view/edit. You can change individual permissions there for the group. You can restrict the permissions as necessary to only the ones that are necessary to run the applicaiton and these permissions will only apply to the application itself. I can't say which ones you need to change but a little experimentation. Some obvious ones to uncheck are any Delete permissions, Change Permissions, and take ownership permissions. Or you could remove them all and add them back one at a time until you get the results you are looking for.


Subject:RE: extracting cd audio with Win2K
Reply by: Bozzoli
Date:2/3/2003 3:39:31 PM

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try.


Subject:RE: extracting cd audio with Win2K
Reply by: Bozzoli
Date:2/5/2003 2:46:04 AM

Well, I gave it a try, but no such luck. I still can't extract audio. The only work around I found is to create an user account with Adminsitrator priveleges and then check the "run as different user" box on the shortcut for the aplication. This brings up a user/password window which allows the program to run as a different user (one with Administrator priveleges). This isn't really a good option, though because a smart user cand figure out that if he can run the application with that username/password, he can log on to the computer with the same and have full Administrator control, thus the ability to wreak havoc, should he/she so choose.

So, I ask again, why is it necessary to have Administrator priveleges to extract CD audio? Anybody at Sonic Foundry have a reply? Is this a "feature" or a bug. Will it be addressed in a future release?

Subject:RE: extracting cd audio with Win2K
Reply by: Sonic
Date:2/5/2003 9:41:38 AM

Administrator access is required for system security reasons. There is a workaround, but it requires an additional installation not shipped with our applications.

If you still consider this essential functionality (e.g. the installation is in a computer lab), contact technical support and they will be able to provide further details.


Subject:RE: extracting cd audio with Win2K
Reply by: Bozzoli
Date:2/5/2003 3:47:53 PM

Thank you for the information.

Chris Bozzoli

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