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Subject:Best software for my use
Posted by: sbilheimer
Date:2/2/2003 9:28:12 AM

I've used VideoFactory to create audio (voice with music). I need two to three tracks, so I don't think SoundForge will work. Will it work and can I create streaming audio with SoundForge (the cheaper one) so these files can go on my web site? Thanks, Susan B.

Subject:RE: Best software for my use
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:2/2/2003 9:44:17 AM

SoundForge is limited to a single stereo or mono track. However, you can use it as an advanced audio editor with VideoFactory. Actually VideoFactory offers quite a few audio editing functions built in in addition to three tracks.

You might want to take a look at Vegas LE 3.0 here: /download/step2.asp?DID=387

It offers more tracks than VideoFactory and more powerful editing.

Subject:RE: Best software for my use
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/2/2003 10:22:56 AM

In addition to what Kelly's said, you can encode in the popular streaming formats such as WMA, RM and MP3 with Sound Forge Studio 6.0.

Remember that you'll need the appropriate server to get genuine streaming audio support. For example, with a RealServer, you would be able to create a single RealAudio file that has support for several different connection bandwidths, ranging from, say, a 28.8 connection to a T1 connection. RealServer would detect the appropriate bandwidth when the user clicks the hyperlink to the file and delivers the appropriate version.

Without a server, you'd have to create a file for each type of connection and hyperlink appropriately. As you can see, it's much more convenient to just encode it once for several different bandwidths and use a server.

If you're paying for a plan on a Web hosting service, more often than not an audio server of some sort is included. Typically, you have to ask to activate that feature of the account and inquire the address of the server so that you can code it appropriately.


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